
ADM 355 Workplace Breastfeeding Policy

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, enacted March 23, 2010, requires employers subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act to provide reasonable break time for an employee to express breast milk for a year after her child’s birth.

Employers also must provide a private place, other than a bathroom, that is shielded from view and free from intrusion from co-workers and the public, which may be used by an employee to express milk.  Examples of such “private spaces” include personal offices, conference rooms, break rooms or other areas with doors that can be locked and windows that can be covered.

How does McPherson College support working, nursing mothers?

Supporting employees who are nursing mothers by providing reasonable time and facilities for expressing milk while at work is good for McPherson College.  It is entirely appropriate within the context of our organizational culture and wellness initiatives.  Managers/supervisors/employees should work together to find the most appropriate and healthy solutions for employees needing time and a private space for expressing milk.

What are the benefits of feeding a baby breast milk?

  • Baby receives the best possible nutrition.
  • Baby forms a bond with mom.
  • Baby is able to fight off illness better.
  • Baby has fewer allergies.
  • Baby is less likely to be overweight or develop diabetes.

What are the benefits for mom?

  • Mom has more “one on one” time with her baby.
  • Mom decreases her risk of developing certain cancers.
  • Mom loses pregnancy weight quicker.
  • Mom saves time since breast milk is always ready at the right temperature.
  • Mom saves money since breast milk is free.
  • Mom helps the environment since breast milk involves no cans, trash or waste.

If you have questions about providing reasonable time and a space for an employee to express milk, contact the Director of Human Resources at 620-242-0454.

If you have a need to alter a space within your existing workplace, such as adding a lock or installing privacy blinds to provide a private place, contact the Director of Facilities at 620-242-0470.