FAC 250. Associated Colleges of Central Kansas

The Associated Colleges of Central Kansas (ACCK) is a consortium of the following six institutions:

  • Bethany College (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) Lindsborg
  • Bethel College (General Conference Mennonite) North Newton
  • Kansas Wesleyan (United Methodist) Salina
  • McPherson College (Church of the Brethren) McPherson
  • Sterling College (Presbyterian Church, USA) Sterling
  • Tabor College (Mennonite Brethren) Hillsboro

The ACCK, founded in 1966, is one of the oldest academic consortia in America; it operates through an office located in McPherson. An executive director who oversees the operation of the ACCK is responsible to a board of trustees composed of the presidents of the six cooperating institutions.