FAC 350. Department Chairs: Appointment and Responsibilities

Department chairs are appointed by the administration and hold the position until reassigned. Department chairs are responsible to the Chief Academic Officer. Unless the college administration makes an exception, department chairs are not compensated nor do they receive load release. Administrative duties for the academic operation of departments are the responsibility of department chairs.

Special duties and responsibilities include

  1. Perform necessary duties commonly assigned to a chair, i.e., preparing agendas and calling and chairing meetings;
  2. In consultation with department members, determine the schedule of course offerings and departmental teaching assignments for each term, subject to the approval of the registrar and CAO;
  3. Advise the CAO of adjunct needs in a timely manner and suggest qualified lecturers to fill those needs;
  4. In collaboration with department members, prepare proposals for desired curricular changes and oversee the progress of the proposals through the appropriate channels, i.e., division, Teacher Education Board (if applicable), and Educational Policies Committee.
  5. With the input of department members, prepare an annual budget for the department, approve department expenditures, and code and submit invoices to the business office;
  6. Review Professional Development Plans with department members and submit written responses to the CAO.
  7. Consult with the CAO regarding departmental faculty concerns and personnel needs;
  8. Stimulate high standards of achievement within the department and provide leadership in building purpose and direction in the department;
  9. Acquaint colleagues, particularly new faculty members, with information about library acquisition policies, classroom technology, availability of student workers, the department’s assessment plan, the department budget, purchase of supplies, etc.;
  10. In collaboration with other departmental faculty, prepare annual assessment reports and oversee the implementation of the departmental assessment plan;
  11. In collaboration with other departmental faculty, every six years or by request, prepare the required program review;
  12. Monitor departmental faculty advising loads and work with the registrar to maintain equitable distribution of advisees as appropriate;
  13. Manage equitable distribution of departmental recruiting responsibilities, such as attendance at Presidential Scholars Day, major visit days, or meeting with prospective students;
  14. Hire student workers as justified by the needs of the department and, in collaboration with department faculty, assign their duties, and monitor their performance;
  15. Perform other supervisory departmental duties not specifically reserved for the division chair or the administration.

Approved by Faculty on 03 October 2018