FAC 404.3 Procedure for Evaluating Faculty Qualifications

The potential instructor shall provide to the Chief Academic Officer a résumé or curriculum vitae and any other documentation relevant to the tested experience guidelines above.

In the case of undergraduate instructors, the CAO will submit the instructor’s materials to the relevant department chair or qualified member of the discipline in which the instructor will teach, who will complete the Faculty Hiring Qualifications form (Appendix 14 in this handbook) and return it to the CAO.

In the case of graduate instructors, the CAO will submit the materials to the director of the graduate program or a qualified member of the discipline in which the instructor will teach, who will complete and return the hiring qualifications form. The candidate’s qualifications will be independently evaluated and a recommendation will be made as to whether the instructor meets minimum qualifications, either by academic or by equivalent credentials.

If the CAO agrees with the reviewers’ evaluations of the materials, the hire can be finalized. A record of the decision to hire shall be kept on file in the Academic Affairs office.