FAC 443.1 Summative Reviews

The purposes of summative reviews are to ensure that the faculty member’s performance is satisfactory and to help the new faculty member develop professionally. Following review of all evaluation materials, Faculty Review Committee composes a Faculty Evaluation Report, which is delivered to the faculty member by the CAO. The report cites strengths and weaknesses and offers recommendations for professional growth.

Summative reviews occur in the first, second, and fifth years of employment. A fourth-year summative review may also be required if the third-year comprehensive evaluation specifies areas needing improvement prior to the fifth-year review. A summative review that raises serious concerns about the faculty member’s performance can trigger a comprehensive evaluation that could result in nonrenewal as described in the remainder of this handbook section.

443.1.1 Summative Review Materials

The only materials required from faculty undergoing a summative review are the annual Professional Development Plan and the course syllabi submitted prior to the beginning of each semester.

Faculty Review Committee is provided with the materials below for each summative review.

  1. A classroom observation report provided by the Chief Academic Officer or designee. The observation visit will be scheduled for a class and date mutually acceptable to the faculty member and the observer. The classroom observation is guided by a rubric based on Domain I of McPherson College’s “Elements of Professional Practice Checklist” (see Appendix 12).
  2. Student course evaluations for all courses, administered in the final weeks of each semester. Summary reports of student evaluations are available online to both FRC and the faculty member.
  3. Two course syllabi selected by the faculty member. Because faculty members submit their course syllabi to Academic Affairs prior to the first day of class, all that is required is that the faculty member notify the Academic Affairs office of the two syllabi to be provided to FRC.
  4. The faculty member’s Professional Development Plan (PDP), as described in Section 441. For first-year faculty, the PDP should be submitted to the department chair and the CAO by January 15. All returning faculty submit PDPs no later than October 1.
  5. The department chair’s summary evaluation and response to the faculty member’s PDP, as described in 441.2.2.

443.1.2 Summative Review Criteria

Unless there are other issues requiring attention, Faculty Review Committee keeps its focus in the summative review on the faculty member’s classroom performance, relying primarily on the criteria listed in Domain I of the Elements of Professional Practice for McPherson College Faculty. (See Appendix 12 for details.)

443.1.3 Summative Review Procedures

First-year review. The PDP is submitted to the CAO and department chair by January 15. The chair writes an evaluative response, meets with the faculty member to discuss the response, and submits it with any comments from the faculty member to the CAO by February 1. Faculty Review Committee completes summative reviews of first-year faculty and forwards its recommendations to the President by March 1. By March 15, the CAO will have delivered FRC’s Faculty Evaluation Report to first-year faculty members. The report shall indicate one of two possible decisions: (1) notice of a one-year letter of employment for the following academic year or (2) notice of nonrenewal.

Second-year review. The annual PDP and the chair’s response are submitted as explained in FAC 442. Faculty Review Committee will forward its recommendations on second-year (and fourth-year faculty, if necessary) to the President by January 15. By February 15, the CAO will deliver FRC’s evaluation report to the faculty member. The report shall indicate one of two possible decisions: (1) notice of a one-year letter of employment or (2) notice of nonrenewal.

If a faculty member is required to undergo a fourth-year summative review, FRC may also request an additional comprehensive evaluation prior to the application for tenure or promotion.

Fifth-year review. The annual PDP and the chair’s response are submitted as explained in FAC 442. By March 1 of the fifth year, the faculty member shall receive one of two possible decisions: (1) a notice of a one-year “satisfactory progress toward tenure” letter of employment (while not constituting a promise of tenure and not indicating that a tenure decision has been made, such a letter does indicate that the faculty member is progressing satisfactorily toward a likely eventual grant of tenure, assuming equally satisfactory future progress); or (2) notice of non-renewal and a one-year terminal letter of employment.