2.13 Background Checks

McPherson College is committed to providing a safe working and learning environment for its employees, students, and visitors. It also seeks to protect its assets, preserve its reputation, and comply with laws, and regulations. Therefore, criminal background checks will be conducted for all new hires of faculty, staff , any other hire such as independent contractors and volunteers at the discretion of the College. Degree verification and credit checks will be conducted where applicable.

McPherson College will consider the seriousness and extensiveness of adverse information in making a determination of eligibility for employment. Job applicants and/or current employees, independent contractors, and volunteers,  who are subject to background checks, will be given the opportunity to explain discrepancies or the information on a case-by-case analysis and determination will be made by Human Resources if it relates to the position as recommended by the EEOC.

Any material misrepresentation on the job application either by omission or falsification of information may be grounds for denial of employment, withdrawal of an employment offer, or dismissal of an employee. All background check information will be kept confidential and housed in confidential personnel file.