ADM 195 – McPherson College Drug Free Workplace Policy



In keeping with its commitment to providing a safe, secure and efficient work environment, McPherson College has adopted the following policy as a supplement to existing personnel policies, practices, and procedures. In response to the needs of all employees, training will be provided to help them maintain a drug-free work environment. Please note Attachment A to this policy that reviews some of the health risks associated with the use of alcohol and illegal drugs.


Section 1: Applicability


All employees of McPherson College, including full- and part-time persons classified as faculty, staff or student employees, must comply with this policy.



Section 2: Definitions


“Drug” means any substance that has known mind- or function-altering effects on a human subject. It specifically includes psychoactive substances. It includes, but is not limited to, drugs controlled, regulated, or prohibited by state and federal law. “Drug” includes, without limitation, alcohol.


“Authorized substance” means only: 1) a lawful over-the-counter drug (excluding any alcoholic beverage) used in the recommended amounts; and 2) a medically prescribed substance, which is lawfully possessed, used as prescribed, and taken under the direction of a physician.


“Workplace” means any office, building or property, including any parking lots, owned or operated by the College, or any other place at which a McPherson College employee performs work for the College or is directed by the College to be.   “Workplace” also means where the employee is doing the majority of her/his work.  (However, see the On and Off campus College Functions paragraph under Section 3: Prohibitions.)


“Impaired” means having a significantly reduced capacity to perform regular or assigned job-related duties safely and effectively because of drug use or abuse.


Section 3: Prohibitions


McPherson College prohibits the following conduct:


  • The illegal use, possession, manufacture, distribution, or sale of drugs, or drug paraphernalia while on College premises or in College vehicles, while conducting College business, or in any workplace (as defined herein.)


  • The possession, use or distribution of alcoholic beverages on the College campus, in College vehicles, or in any workplace (as defined )


  • Reporting to work while impaired (as defined herein) or being impaired at work, provided, however, that use of an “authorized substance” shall not be cause for discipline so long as the employee immediately, fully, and in good faith discloses to his or her supervisor the nature and cause of the impairment and all other relevant factIf it is determined that the use of an authorized substance impairs an employee’s ability to perform regular or assigned duties safely and effectively, the employee shall be temporarily reassigned to other duties, or other appropriate response shall be taken, which shall be consistent with all laws (including for example, the American with Disabilities Act) to the extent they may apply.

On and Off-campus College Functions: An exception to the definition of the workplace as “any…place at which a McPherson College employee performs work for the College or is directed by the College to be…where the employee is doing the majority of her/his work” may be granted for some College functions on or off of the main college campus. At the functions, beer, wine or liquor may be served with prior approval by the Approval Committee, in accordance with the Campus/College-Sponsored Event Alcohol Use Policy.  Consumption may be strictly monitored and controlled. The beverage service at any pre-authorized, on or off-campus event will be contracted to a licensed third-party provider.

Employees are generally not permitted to consume alcohol while performing services of any kind for College. In limited circumstances, employees may be approved to consume alcohol in connection with College-sponsored activities that do not involve the direct supervision or oversight of College students. Prior to the event where alcohol may be served or consumed, the employee must review the circumstances with the employee’s direct supervisor. The employee’s direct supervisor may consult with Human Resources regarding approval and parameters related to such approval.

If approved, employees must consume alcohol responsibly and in a manner that does not impair their ability to perform job duties or cause them to negatively represent the College. Employees should discuss specific expectations with their supervisor or Human Resources prior to consuming alcohol while representing the College.

Suspected violations of College policy related to alcohol consumption or alcohol or substance abuse should be immediately reported to Human Resources for review and action. To support the College’s goal of an environment free from illegal drug use and alcohol abuse, employees may be subject to drug or alcohol testing upon reasonable suspicion and in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and internal procedures administered by Human Resources.



Section 4: Employee Assistance


Out of its commitment to providing a work environment conducive to the health and well-being of all employees, McPherson College offers educational and benefit programs dealing with drug use and abuse in the workplace. Benefit programs include partial coverage for both in-patient and outpatient drug abuse treatment programs for employees who are enrolled in the current College health insurance plan and referral services for all employees. McPherson College’s Human Resources office coordinates educational and benefits programs relating to this drug abuse policy.


McPherson College employees have access to an Employee Assistance Program.


Employees are strongly encouraged to seek assistance for drug problems before their job performance is impaired. Any employee who voluntarily reports his or her own drug possession/use problem to McPherson College, before such problem has otherwise been reported to the College or has caused a violation of any other College policy, shall not be disciplined by the College for reporting such personal possession/use in violation of this policy.


Employees who require time away from work to participate in a recognized treatment or rehabilitation program may do so in accordance with the terms of McPherson College’s leave of absence policy. Information about an employee’s participation in such treatment will be held in strictest confidence.



Section 5: Reporting Obligations


In accordance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, any employee who is convicted of criminal conduct related to drugs in the workplace must notify McPherson College’s Human Resources Director within five calendar days of any such conviction.


The Drug Free Workplace Act requires McPherson College to impose a penalty upon, or to require satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program, by any McPherson College employee convicted of a criminal drug statute violation in the workplace. Subject to the other provisions of this policy, and subject to any statutes that may be applicable (such as, for example, the American with Disabilities Act), deciding whether to impose a penalty or to require satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program shall be at the sole discretion of McPherson College, provided, however, that the College shall endeavor to treat like cases alike and shall not engage in any legally prohibited discrimination.


Section 6: Consequences of Policy Violations

Employees who violate this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.





Section 7: Distribution of Materials


The following items will be distributed to all employees:


  • A copy of this po
  • A document which describes the health risks associated with use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcoho(See attachment A).


Attachment A


Some Health Risks Associated with the Use of Alcohol and Illegal Drugs


Drug and alcohol abuse creates serious problems both for the abusers themselves and for their families, friends, co-workers, and employers. Abuse of alcohol and drugs can cause severe injury to both body and mind. Overdoses of certain drugs kill immediately. Drug abuse can lead to debilitating mental disorders, whether temporary or permanent, and to painful, disabling, and/or fatal physical illness. It substantially increases the risk of violence and suicide. Drug or alcohol abusers as a group find it far more difficult to sustain healthy and satisfying family relationships and friendships, to fulfill their responsibilities, and to hold jobs. In the workplace, drug or alcohol abusers are far more likely than non-abusers to miss work and to have serious on-the-job accidents. They are far less productive and much more costly to employers and are therefore far less desirable as employees than non-abusers. Employees suffering from the immediate or long-term effects of drug or alcohol abuse waste much of their potential.


Illegal use of drugs is, by definition, a crime. The seriousness of the possible punishment depends on such things as the type and amount of drugs involved, the place of the violation, and the criminal history of the participants; serious drug crimes can result in long prison sentences. While use of alcohol is, in and of itself, not a crime, its abuse increases the risk that the abuser will commit, or be the victim of, serious crimes. Further, operating motor vehicles while under the influence of alcohol or while having a blood-alcohol level above the applicable legal limit is a crime. Depending on the circumstances, this can result in suspension or revocation of driving privileges, fines, and jail time and/or prison terms.


The medical information above is for informational purposes only. It consists only of brief summaries. It should not be relied upon for any medical decisions or in any medical emergency. McPherson College disclaims any responsibility to revise or update this information.


McPherson College adheres to the code of federal regulations, part 85, sub-part F, and 34 CR 86 that requires the College to maintain a drug-free workplace for employees.



Section 8: Biennial Review

McPherson College’s drug and alcohol abuse and prevention program and related policies will be reviewed every two years for compliance and effectiveness. The materials developed pursuant to these policies and the results of the biennial review will be reported to the institution’s cabinet members and will be made available upon request.

Section 9: Oversight Responsibility

The Dean of Students and Director of Human Resources shall serve as the main contacts with oversight responsibility for the Drug and Alcohol Policies including, but not limited to: updates, coordination of required information, the biennial review, and annual notification to employees and students.

Section 10: Education and Drug- & Alcohol-Related Services

As part of the New Student Orientation (NSO), first-year students participate in a workshop designed to review the drug and alcohol policies. This workshop includes signs and interventions related to high-risk alcohol and other drug use. In addition to a workshop, all residential students attend residence hall meetings, where Resident Assistants (RAs) facilitate discussions about campus policies and issues.

Educational programming about alcohol and drug use is held throughout the academic year. The programming is a combination of interactive educational activities and passive programming, such as email, bulletin boards, and posters. In addition, referrals may be made to the on-site counseling center, which conducts drug and alcohol screenings for students.

Employees of the college participate in an annual discussion about the institution’s drug and alcohol policy. All employees have access to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). There is also a local SMART Recovery meeting that is available to all members of the campus community.