ADM 235 – Whistleblower

McPherson College imposes strict standards to prevent fraud and dishonesty.  If employees become aware of any evidence of fraud and/or dishonesty, they should immediately advise their supervisor or staff officer with whom they feel most comfortable, so the College can promptly investigate the matter.

In instances where a staff officer or a member of the board of directors is suspected of a fraudulent act, the president or vice president should ordinarily be informed.  Depending on the accusations, however, a concerned staff member may wish to communicate directly with the chair of the board of trustees.  The chair will in turn bring the matter to the attention of the audit committee for such action as the committee finds appropriate in the circumstances.

Employees bringing forward such information will be protected against any adverse employment action.  Any employee who is found to have engaged in retaliation will be subject to severe disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.