FAC 310. Organization of the Faculty

The McPherson College faculty is organized according to the Constitution of the Faculty of McPherson College (see Appendix 2). The faculty constitution provides a governance structure intended to enable the faculty to care for its principal responsibilities: (1) curriculum and educational policies, (2) the library and classroom instructional resources, and (3) matters relating to faculty personnel, including evaluation and promotion.

Faculty gather as a whole in Faculty Meeting to hear reports from standing committees and ad hoc task forces and to make decisions and recommendations to the Vice President for Academic Affairs on matters related to faculty responsibilities. Four governance committees (Educational Policies Committee, Instructional Resources Committee, Faculty Review Committee, and Faculty Policies Committee) are commissioned to process issues and make recommendations on behalf of Faculty Meeting. A fifth governance committee, Faculty Executive Committee, serves to oversee and evaluate all aspects of faculty governance. As the five governance committees are chosen by and act on behalf of the faculty meeting, their decisions carry the authority of the whole faculty.

Approved by Faculty on 11 March 2010