FAC 312. Expectations for Faculty Committee Membership

All full-time faculty are expected to serve on faculty and/or campus-wide committees as part of their terms for employment at McPherson College. In some cases, individual faculty can control which committees they serve on by accepting or declining the nomination of their division or the faculty at-large. Faculty Executive Committee may appoint or recommend to the Vice President for Academic Affairs appointment to ad hoc committees or to campus-wide committees. Faculty Executive Committee is responsible for seeing that committee workloads are equitably distributed among all faculty. Except in the case of extenuating circumstances, faculty are expected to accept appointments to committees issued by FEC or by the President.

Faculty are expected to take their committee responsibilities seriously. They should work with their chair to arrange a meeting time that is convenient for the majority of committee members. They should attend all meetings regularly and prepare adequately enough to contribute to committee processes. When absence is necessary, they should notify the chair ahead of time. Committee members should voluntarily assume a fair share of committee workload and, in general, accept responsibilities delegated by the chair. In general, there are three types of committees: Faculty Governance Committees, Faculty Committees, and Campus Committees.

Approved by Faculty on 11 March 2010