FAC 320.2 Other Faculty Committees and Assignments

Faculty Committees and appointees implement academic programming.

  1. The Institutional Assessment Committee provides resources and expertise on assessment methods as well as oversight of assessment procedures and reports generated by the college. The CAO and the chair of the Assessment Committee select a representative from each academic division.
  2. The Teacher Education Board is the unit for the Teacher Education Program at McPherson College. It consists of representatives from each academic division and faculty from the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, among others. The Teacher Education Board reconstitutes itself in August at the beginning of the academic year.
  3. Two faculty members are elected by Faculty Meeting to observe the fall and spring meetings of the Board of Trustees.
  4. The Institutional Review Board is an ad hoc committee that reviews research studies conducted on campus involving humans or animals and ensures that the well-being of research participants, researchers, and the institution is appropriately safeguarded. The IRB chair may ask faculty to serve on an as-needed basis.
  5. One faculty member is appointed by FEC to serve as program liaison for international studies.
  6. One faculty member is appointed by FEC to serve as program liaison for the Chicago Center for Urban Life and Culture.

Approved by Faculty on 03 October 2018.