FAC 320.3 College-wide Committees and Faculty Assignments

Numerous other committees and programs require faculty participation. Appointment criteria for these committees vary widely from committee to committee. Committees and programs in which faculty participate include the following:

  1. Three faculty members, representing each division, are assigned by FEC to the Intercollegiate Athletic Committee (IAC), a sub-committee of EPC. IAC reviews and approves McPherson College athletic policies, regulations, and scheduling.
  2. Three faculty members are assigned by FEC to the Campus Hearing Board, which reports to the associate dean of students and adjudicates cases of student violation of community codes.
  3. FEC appoints a representative from each division to serve on the Personnel Committee, which reports to the president and evaluates and recommends employee benefits and hears employee grievances.
  4. The Emergency Response Team establishes best practices in campus safety and members play an important role as points of contact in emergencies. FEC appoints a representative from each division.
  5. Additional ad hoc committees and/or task forces may be organized by the administration or standing committees for short-term special assignments. These committees exist only until the special task is accomplished. A final report to the responsible committee represents the termination of an ad hoc committee or task force.
  6. Other committees, such as the Homecoming Committee or the Church Relations Committee, may request faculty participation as desired.

 Approved by Faculty on 03 October 2018