FAC 340. Division Chairs: Appointment and Responsibilities

Division chairs are elected to a three-year term by their respective divisions. Division chairs can serve a maximum of two consecutive terms. They are responsible to the Chief Academic Officer. Unless the college administration makes an exception, division chairs are not compensated nor do they receive load release.

Their specific duties and responsibilities include

  1. Perform necessary duties commonly assigned to a chair, i.e., preparing agenda, calling and chairing meetings, and ensuring that records of all meetings are kept;
  2. Represent the division on Faculty Executive Committee;
  3. Serve as liaison to Educational Policies Committee, Faculty Policies Committee, or Instructional Resources Committee, as determined by FEC in its organizational meeting. Liaisons read minutes and report major action items and upcoming issues relevant to faculty to FEC;
  4. Serve as a member of search committees for departments in the division or, in consultation with the CAO, appoint a designee;
  5. Serve as a member of program review committees for programs within division or, in consultation with the CAO, appoint a designee;
  6. As a member of Faculty Executive Committee, advocate on behalf of the budget requirements of the division’s various instructional programs, and prioritize and make budget recommendations to the CFO.

Approved by Faculty on 03 October 2018