FAC 401. Criteria Considered in Recruiting and Hiring Faculty

McPherson College seeks to employ faculty who are compatible with the mission and values of the college, maintaining its identity as a college related to the Church of the Brethren. We seek a diverse faculty, appropriately credentialed, that meets institutional criteria.

Criteria and priorities for a successful hire vary from position to position. Criteria to be considered in the employment of new faculty include in random order (1) the person’s compatibility with the college’s statement of mission; (2) the candidate’s academic credentials; (3) prior experience in education and/or related employment in other professional activities; (4) professional certifications; and (5) demonstrated excellence in teaching.  McPherson College complies with Equal Employment Opportunity guidelines on hiring.  Given a pool of equally qualified candidates, the hiring committee may consider whether a candidate’s diversity will add to the college’s published strategic plan goals.

McPherson College also seeks to identify potential candidates for faculty positions which may become vacant in the near future because of impending retirements, resignations, or other institutional needs. The President and the CAO seek to identify and encourage such persons. If faculty have suggestions for potential McPherson College faculty, they should share those names with the President or the CAO.