FAC 402.1 Components of Institutional Need

The following are suggested criteria to be used in assessing the institutional need for new or ongoing faculty positions. These criteria are intended for use as guidelines.

I.  Core issues of mission

  • Is the position supportive of the college’s mission?
  • Is the position consistent with the heritage and/or values of the Church of the Brethren?
  • Does the position support development of the ideal McPherson College graduate?
  • Does the position support community and alumni relations?
  • Does the position support participation in on-campus curricular and co-curricular activities.

II. Cost and system efficiency

  • Is the position necessary for a quality program?
  • Is the program financially viable?
    – Number of majors
    – Number of graduates
    – Number of general education students served
    – Alumni donations
    – Co-curricular participation
  • Does the position make efficient use of campus facilities?
  • Are there other quantitative data demonstrating institutional need such as load hours taught and credit hours generated?