FAC 441. Evaluation and the Elements of Professional Practice

To guide Faculty Review Committee in making fair and equitable judgments in the evaluation process and to assist faculty in completing self-evaluations, McPherson College faculty have adopted the Basic Elements of Professional Practice, organized into the domains Teaching, Scholarship, Participation, and Service. In summative reviews (see FAC 443, especially Section 443.1.2), the elements in Domain I: Teaching constitute the principal criteria for contract decisions. In addition, in comprehensive evaluations (see FAC 443, especially Section 443.2.2), faculty address Domains II-IV in their self-evaluations; however, faculty rank those domains according to the influence they wish each domain to carry in their evaluation.

Faculty Review Committee recognizes that the teaching/learning process is complex; not every basic element of professional practice is relevant to every teacher, and the list may well omit elements of practice that are critical in the performance of some teachers. Both the rubric and the checklist included in Appendix 12: The Basic Elements of Professional Practice are intended as guides. FRC does not systematically use either the rubric or the checklist in the faculty evaluation process; neither is there an expectation that a faculty member will systematically address the listed elements in their Professional Development Plans or comprehensive evaluation materials. Faculty are encouraged to be familiar with the Elements of Professional Practice and to use them as guides in assessing their strengths and weaknesses as a McPherson College faculty member.