FAC 443. Evaluation of Tenure-track and Tenured Faculty

There are two levels of review for tenured and tenure-track faculty at McPherson College: (1) Summative reviews occur in the first, second, and fifth years of employment. Faculty Review Committee may require a fourth-year summative review when there are ongoing conditions to be met. (2) Comprehensive evaluations occur in the third year of employment, in the years of application for tenure and/or promotion, and every fifth year following the granting of tenure.

Summative reviews require little additional work on the part of the faculty member beyond the annual evaluation activities required of all faculty, as explained in FAC 442. Comprehensive evaluations require the faculty member to submit updated vitas and an additional self-evaluation of 5-10 pages (see Section 443.2).

The final authority over matters of employment is the President, who is empowered to override Faculty Review Committee recommendations when, in his or her judgment, such an action seems in the best interest of the institution. In cases in which the President intends to transmit to the Board of Trustees a recommendation that reverses or substantively alters the recommendation of Faculty Review Committee, the President shall communicate to Faculty Review Committee in writing the basis for the change in the recommendation.

The faculty evaluation procedure is set forth in more detail below. A table summarizing the stages of the college’s evaluation procedures, including deadlines for submission of materials and/or notifications, can be found in Section 448.