FAC 530.2.1 Continuing education, conferences, and workshops

Faculty can access Kightlinger funds for support of continuing education or attendance at academic conferences and workshops by submitting a proposal to the CAO.  The proposal form is available online and from the Academic Affairs office.  As a rule, funds up to the minimum allowance are released soon after receipts are submitted.  When the Kightlinger Fund has a balance at the end of the fiscal year, the CAO will reimburse to the extent possible faculty with expenses exceeding their annual allowance.

The Kightlinger Fund operates on a use-it-or-lose-it basis. Allowances cannot be carried over from year to year, but expenses may be. Faculty who have unrefunded expenses in one year may choose to carry those expenses forward to be covered by their allowance for the following year.

Faculty seeking additional support for completion of a terminal degree may also want to consider applying for the college’s forgivable loan.