FAC 601. Teaching

All faculty are employed with the expectation that they will be effective in the classroom. In regular faculty evaluations, classroom teaching is the most important consideration (see Section 440). Self-reflection for the purpose of improving instruction is a critically important professional responsibility. Faculty prepare an annual Professional Development Plan in which they establish performance improvement goals for the upcoming year and assess their success in achieving the previous year’s goals.

Faculty are expected to remain current in their academic fields. Consulting as necessary with their department chairs, faculty have the autonomy to select their own textbooks and to develop their own curricula, consistent with existing course descriptions and program student learning outcomes. Text selection should be kept current, though yearly changes of texts are not necessary. All textbook adoptions should be placed by the deadline announced by the Academic Affairs Office.

McPherson College nurtures entrepreneurial teaching and learning. Faculty looking for support in developing creative and innovative approaches to course development (e.g., interdisciplinary teaching, team teaching, hybrid instruction, etc.) are encouraged to discuss proposals with their department chairs and Chief Academic Officer.

New faculty members who want assistance with developing teaching strategies or preparation of materials are encouraged to speak to their department chair, colleagues, or CAO.