FAC 730. Departmental Budgets

The Provost and Dean of the Faculty, usually in early December, will request the department chair to develop a departmental budget for the upcoming year. To help persons in this process, a budget request worksheet will be provided. Should requested budget increases exceed the consumer price index, persons should provide a rationale as to why the department cannot live within the budget planning guidelines. The institution’s strategic planning process requires persons to explain how increases in expenditures are necessary to meet departmental goals and objectives, as printed in the McPherson College Catalog and articulated in annual departmental assessment reports.

The budget requests are to be returned to the Provost’s Office in January. At that time, the Faculty Executive Committee will review budget requests and forward them with their recommendations to the Cabinet, where the final institutional budget will be developed.

All faculty should check with their department chair regarding departmental purchase practices and budget for faculty needs.