FAC Appendix 10. Bylaws for Academic Assessment Committee

Bylaws for Academic Assessment Committee

  1. Name
    Academic Assessment Committee
  2. Purpose
    To monitor the administration of various assessment tools.To maintain records and process data related to the various assessments.
    To make recommendations accordingly to either the President, Educational Policies Committee or the Strategic Plan Committee as specified below.
  3. Composition of Committee Membership, Criteria for Selection
    Provost and Dean of Faculty by virtue of office (with vote)
    Three faculty members representing all academic divisions (with vote)
    One student (with vote)
    Associate Academic Dean (Registrar), (with vote)
    Director of Assessment (votes as the representative of his/her division unless the division elects another representative),
    Assistant to the Director of Assessment (without vote)Terms and Process for Selection of Membership
    Provost and Dean of Faculty, Associate Academic Dean (Registrar), Director of Assessment, and Assistant to the Director of Assessment by virtue of office. Faculty representatives serve for three-year terms, elected by the division so that rotation is maintained. The division in which the Director of Assessment teaches may be represented by the Director of Assessment. Student representatives recommended annually by Student Government Association for approval by President. Re-election is not barred for any position. Terms run for the academic year, May 1 to April 30.
  4. Committee Officers or Leadership
    The Director of Assessment will serve as chair. The Assistant to the Director of Assessment will act as executive secretary for the committee.
  5. Meeting Procedure
    Meetings will be held at the call of the chair, on such schedule as required for expeditious handling of required agendas. A quorum shall consist of no fewer than four of the voting members. Decisions shall be made by majority vote of the committee. Minutes will be kept on all meetings and archived by the Provost and Dean of Faculty. Minutes will be open and available to all faculty no later than 48 hours (excluding weekends and holidays) after approval. Minutes are to be made available in hard copy in the office of the Provost and Dean of the Faculty, and they are available electronically.
  6. Committee Charge – Responsibilities & Accountabilities
    1. Monitor the use of WARRT
    2. Administer assessments on an annual basis. (e.g. CIRP, C-BASE, CSS, Alumni Surveys, Graduating Senior Survey, and General Education Surveys)
    3. Compile and analyze data gleaned from various assessment tools.
    4. Monitor preparation and review the annual academic assessment report
    5. Monitor preparation and review other reports when required (HLC, KSDE/NCATE)
    6. Make recommendations for improvement of academic programs
    7. Prepare reports as requested by the Strategic Planning Committee
    8. Prepare the annual General Education Report
  7. Reporting Relationships:
    With respect to accountabilities VI. D. and G. above, the Committee may act as a final recommendation to the Strategic Plan Committee and the President.With respect to accountabilities VI. E. above, the Committee shall take actions as recommendations to the appropriate committee (HLC, Teacher Education Board, etc.). With respect to accountabilities VI. F. and H. above, the Committee may act as a final recommendation to the Provost and Educational Policies Committee. With respect to accountabilities VI. C. and D. above, the Committee may act as a final recommendation to the FEC to be placed on the Faculty Meeting agenda.
  8. Appeal Process
    1. Any faculty member wishing to question policy or curricular recommendations or urge a broader hearing on such issues should first make that wish known to the committee before its final action to the extent that the faculty member was aware in advance of the pending action. The EPC should weigh any such requests in its decision whether to initially craft the action as a recommendation to Faculty Meeting or not.
    2. Appeal to Faculty Meeting may be initiated by any academic department, or alternatively, by any group of not fewer than six faculty members, who takes exception to any action of this committee which was not referred to Faculty Meeting. The department or group may lodge a request in writing to the Faculty Executive Committee that such issue or action be submitted to Faculty Meeting. Any such request shall not be unreasonably refused by the Executive Committee.

Edited September 29, 2004 Shane Kirchner