Bylaws for Institutional Review Board
- Name
Institutional Review Board
- Purpose
To review research studies and ensure that the well-being of research participants, researchers, and the institution is appropriately safeguarded.
- Composition of Committee Membership, Criteria for Selection
From 3 – 5 persons appointed by the college. Each review board must include at least one person trained in the methodology used by the research proposal under review.
- Terms and Process for Selection of Membership
The Chair of IRB will be appointed each year by the Academic Dean. The Chair will have a 1 year term of office that may be repeated. Other members will be appointed on an ad hoc basis as proposal review is needed.
- Committee Officers or Leadership
In addition to the Chair, a Secretary will be selected within the committee to maintain minutes.
- Meeting Procedure
Meetings will be held as coordinated by the chair, as required for the handling of reviews. A quorum shall consist of a majority of those appointed to the committee, provided that at least one member trained in the use of the relevant methodology is present. Decisions shall be made by a majority vote of the members. Minutes will be kept on all meetings and archived by the Dean.
- Committee Charge – Responsibilities and Accountabilities
Oversight of research involving human and animal subjects at McPherson College
- Reporting Relationships:
The IRB reports to the Provost.
- Appeal Process
Appeals to the decisions of IRB shall be made to the Provost.