FAC Appendix 06. Bylaws for EPC

Bylaws for Educational Policies Committee

  1. Name
    Educational Policies Committee
  2. Purpose
    To propose academic policy and to oversee curriculum and the quality of the academic program. To make recommendations accordingly to either the President or the Faculty Meeting as specified below.
  3. Composition of Committee Membership, Criteria for Selection
    Provost and Dean of Faculty by virtue of office (with vote)
    Three faculty members representing all academic divisions (with vote)
    One representative of the Teacher Education program (with vote)
    One student (with vote)
    One Division Chair ex officio as liaison from Faculty Executive Committee (without vote-not required to attend)
    Two ex officio members without vote: Associate Academic Dean (Registrar) and College Librarian.
  4. Terms and Process for Selection of Membership
    Provost and Dean of Faculty and all ex officios by virtue of office. Faculty representatives for three-year terms, one elected each year by division. Teacher Education representative elected annually by Teacher Education Committee. Student representative recommended annually by Student Government Association for approval by President. Division chair liaison as determined annually by the Faculty Executive Committee. Re-election is not barred for any position. Terms run for the academic year, July 1 to June 30.
  5. Committee Officers or Leadership
    The committee shall annually elect a chair from among its elected faculty membership. The Provost and Dean of Faculty shall act as executive secretary for the committee.
  6. Meeting Procedure
    Meetings will be held at the call of the chair, on such schedule as required for expeditious handling of required agendas. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the membership entitled to vote . Decisions shall be made by majority vote of those present. Minutes will be kept on all meetings and archived by the Provost and Dean of Faculty. Minutes will be open and available to all faculty no later than 48 hours (excluding weekends and holidays) prior to the next meeting of the committee. Minutes are to be made available either in hard copy in the office of the Provost and Dean of Faculty or posted electronically for faculty.
  7. Committee Charge – Responsibilities & Accountabilities
    1. Approve new courses or substantive changes in courses.
    2. Approve additions, alterations or deletions to/of programs of study.
    3. Approve individualized interdisciplinary programs.
    4. Review and approve basic academic calendar and course schedule.
    5. Interpret existing academic policy, recommending new policy as appropriate.
    6. Recommend changes in academic requirement – e.g., general education curriculum or graduation requirements.
    7. Recommend addition or deletion of academic departments.
  8. Reporting Relationships
    With respect to accountabilities VII.A-E. above, the Committee may act as a final recommendation to the President unless specific appeal is taken to Faculty Meeting.

    With respect to accountabilities VII.F-G. above, the Committee shall take actions as recommendations to the Faculty Meeting, which in turn will recommend to the President.

    Committees or groups which report and/or recommend to this Committee: Teacher Education Board

    Other ad hoc Committees which may be created from time to time to expedite the work of EPC

    Other Faculty Advisory or Joint Committees falling within the scope of this committee’s responsibility

  9. Appeal Process
    Any academic department or group of six or more faculty members may appeal any action of EPC not submitted to Faculty Meeting. The department or group shall request in writing that Faculty Executive Committee take such issue or action to Faculty Meeting. [Faculty Executive Committee shall not refuse any reasonable request.]
  10. Bylaw Amendment Process
    These bylaws may be changed through the following process:

A.  Job titles included in these bylaws may be updated by the Vice President for Academic Affairs on his or her own authority.

B.  Changes to these bylaws may be brought to the Educational Policies Committee for a first reading and then acted upon at any subsequent meeting, provided the action item is announced in advance as an agenda item for that meeting.  Once approved by the Educational Policies Committee, changes shall be forwarded to Faculty Meeting for final approval.

C.  Changes to these bylaws may also be initiated by Faculty Meeting. Bylaw changes may be brought to the Faculty Meeting for a first reading and then acted upon at any subsequent meeting, provided the action item is announced in advance as an agenda item for that meeting.


Approved by Faculty 18 April 1997
Updated by Faculty Meeting 7 December 2001
Amended by EPC 04 October 2004
Amendments approved by Faculty Meeting 21 October 2010