FAC Appendix 08. Bylaws for IRC

Bylaws for Instructional Resources Committee

  1. Name
    Instructional Resources Committee
  2. Purpose
    To review instructional resource needs, including library, classrooms and other instructional facilities, equipment, technology. To make recommendations to the President of the College regarding efficient allocation and management of such resources, acquisitions of and additions to same.
  3. Composition of Committee Membership, Criteria for Selection
    Academic Dean, Business Manager, College Librarian, Director of Instructional Technology and Online Summer School, Director of Computer Services/Systems Administrator, three faculty members (one from each division), Representative of Teacher Education program, one representative of non-faculty staff, one student, all with vote. One division chair, ex officio without vote, as liaison from Faculty Executive Committee.
  4. Terms and Process for Selection of Membership
    Faculty members elected by divisions for three-year rotating terms. Re-election not barred. Division chair liaison as determined annually by the Faculty Executive Committee. Teacher Education program representative selected annually by Teacher Education Committee. Staff member appointed annually by the President, students selected annually by Student Government Association for recommendation to the President. All other positions by virtue of office. Terms run for academic year, July 1 to June 30.
  5. Committee Officers or Leadership
    Chair and recorder elected annually from among committee membership. Meeting Procedure Meetings will be held at the call of the chair, on such schedule as required for expeditious handling of required agendas. A quorum shall consist of no fewer than six of the ten voting members. Decisions shall be made by majority vote of members present. Minutes will be open and shall be available to all faculty no later than 48 hours (excluding weekends and holidays) prior to the next meeting of the committee. Minutes are to be made available either in hard copy in the office of the Provost and Dean of the Faculty and/or by e-mail to the faculty mailing list.
  6. Committee Charge – Responsibilities & Accountabilities
    1. Review academic computer usage on campus and provide recommendations on long-term plan for maintenance and update of academic computing systems.
    2. Consider and make recommendations on other technology-related needs for sound academic program.
    3. Serve as liaison between library personnel and faculty.
    4. Advise on library acquisitions/priorities.
    5. Study use of library services and advise on long-range planning for same.
    6. Assess appropriateness and adequacy of classrooms and educational facilities.
    7. Recommend institutional priorities for funds available for instructional resources
  7. Reporting Relationships
    All actions by the committee will be regarded as recommendations directly to the President, except that selected matters may be taken to the Faculty Meeting for hearing or recommendations as deemed appropriate by the committee or as may be prompted by exercise of the appeal process below.

    This committee may establish ad hoc subcommittees or task forces from time to time as needed to expedite the work of the committee.

  8. Appeal Process
    Any faculty member wishing to question policy or resource recommendations or urge a broader hearing on such issues should first make that wish known to the Committee before its final action to the extent that the faculty member was aware in advance of the pending action. The IRC should weigh any such requests in its decision whether to initially craft the action as a recommendation to Faculty Meeting or not.

    Appeal to Faculty Meeting may be initiated by any academic department, or alternatively, by any group of not fewer than six faculty members, who takes exception to any action of this Committee which was not referred to Faculty Meeting. The department or group may lodge a request in writing to the Faculty Executive Committee that such issue or action be submitted to Faculty Meeting. Any such request shall not be unreasonably refused by the Executive Committee.

  9. Bylaw Amendment Process
    These bylaws may be changed through the following process:

A.  Job titles included in these bylaws may be updated by the Vice President for Academic Affairs on his or her own authority.

B.  Changes to these bylaws may be brought to the Instructional Resources Committee for a first reading and then acted upon at any subsequent meeting, provided the action item is announced in advance as an agenda item for that meeting.  Once approved by the Instructional Resources Committee, changes shall be forwarded to Faculty Meeting for final approval.

C.  Changes to these bylaws may also be initiated by Faculty Meeting. Bylaw changes may be brought to the Faculty Meeting for a first reading and then acted upon at any subsequent meeting, provided the action item is announced in advance as an agenda item for that meeting.

Approved by Faculty on October 24, 2012
Updated by Faculty Meeting 7 December 2001
Amended by EPC 04 October 2004
Amendments approved by Faculty Meeting 21 October 2010