Reporting Sexual Harassment

Any person may report Sexual Harassment to the Title IX Coordinator.  Reports may be made in person, by regular mail, telephone, electronic mail, or by any other means that results in the Title IX Coordinator receiving the person’s verbal or written report.  In-person reports must be made during normal business hours, but reports can be made by regular mail, telephone, or electronic mail at any time, including outside normal business hours.  So that the College has sufficient information to follow up appropriately, reports should include: (1) the date(s) and time(s) of the alleged conduct; (2) the names of all person(s) involved in the alleged conduct, including possible witnesses; (3) all details outlining what happened; and (4) contact information for the Complainant.

The name and contact information for the Title IX Coordinator is:

Dr. Bruce Clary
1600 East Euclid
Office of Academic Affairs
McPherson College
McPherson KS 67460
(620) 242-0506
[email protected]

In addition to reporting to the Title IX Coordinator, any person may report Sexual Harassment to any College employee with managerial authority over other employees, including cabinet members, deans, department heads, unit supervisors, and other managers (collectively “Reporting Officials”) who must promptly forward such report of Sexual Harassment to the Title IX Coordinator.

All College employees have a duty to report sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinator when they receive a report of such conduct, witness such conduct, or otherwise obtain information about such conduct. This includes employees who may have a professional license requiring confidentiality if they are not employed by the College in that professional role.  An employee not reporting sexual misconduct as required by this policy may be disciplined accordingly, up to and including termination. Employees using the Sexual Harrassment Incident Report Form may not anonymously report in order to meet their mandated reporting obligation under this policy.