2.12 Staff Performance Evaluation Process

The primary purpose of the staff performance evaluation process is to enhance communication related to job performance and mutual expectations.

Supervisors have two options for evaluating staff performance. Both of the options are included in the staff performance evaluation process and the process is ongoing and continuous.

One option is that a supervisor conduct a one-on-one performance evaluation meeting to review performance, discuss strengths, objectives, and specific goals to be accomplished throughout the upcoming year, and identify areas of job performance that need improvement.  Supervisors will complete a performance evaluation form and could do this as often as one time per year.   When used, forms will be submitted to the Human Resources office. Employees are encouraged to participate in the performance evaluation discussion and make comments during the performance evaluation.

The second option is for a supervisor to conduct ongoing coaching throughout the year.  Coaching could occur weekly, monthly or at the discretion of the supervisor.  Employees are encouraged to participate in the coaching.

Supervisors are responsible to inform Human Resources which option they will utilize if they choose to utilize a formal evaluation process.

A staff performance evaluation tool, a performance coaching worksheet and a performance coaching worksheet example are available on the college intranet in the HR forms site.

Resources are available in your Human Resources office to assist you with either one of the evaluation processes.

April 15, 2018