2.04 Time Records

It is McPherson College’s policy to comply with applicable laws requiring records to be maintained of the hours employees work. Non-exempt employees are required to accurately record their work hours and leave time taken on the appropriate time record forms. The time record form must be completed and signed by the employee. The employee’s supervisor will sign the form and forward it to the college Business Office for payroll processing.

The following time record procedures are in effect for non-exempt personnel:

  • The “work week” shall be defined as Wednesday through Tuesday.
  • Time sheets are due to the Business Office on the 21st day of the month (or if the 21st day falls on a weekend or holiday, on the next workday following the 21st).
  • The Business Office will distribute time record forms monthly.
  • Any days worked during the first week of a pay period, but recorded in the previous pay period will be taken into account to determine overtime pay.
  • If a non-exempt employee works more than 40 hours in a work week, such excess hours shall be paid at 1 ½ times the employee’s regular rate of pay. Hours taken as paid time off (vacation, sick, personal, funeral, or holiday leave) do not count toward the 40-hour overtime threshold.

Exempt staff members are expected to record their time away from work appropriately and to submit their timesheets to the appropriate manager or vice president immediately following the end of each month. Any vacation, sick leave, or holiday time taken during the month should be accurately recorded on the monthly time record form and submitted to the Business Office.

Hours worked and leave time taken must be recorded accurately, and falsification of a time record is grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination.