1.01 Disclaimer

The Handbook has been prepared to answer some of the questions you may have concerning the College and its policies. Please read it carefully. The policies stated in this Handbook are subject to change at the sole discretion of the College. From time to time, you may receive updated information concerning changes in policy. Should you have any questions regarding any policies, please ask your supervisor or the human resource office for assistance.

The Handbook and its contents do not constitute an express or implied contract of employment. Unless otherwise provided in an express written contract, employment at the College is at will and may be terminated for any reason, with or without notice, by the College or by you, as an employee. Only the President of the College or his/her designee is authorized to bind the College to a written contract of employment.

In this Handbook, the College has endeavored to provide you with an overview of the policies and procedures that will promote positive employee relations and a productive workplace. Creating an atmosphere where all who come to the College are welcome to work, learn, and serve together requires all of us to demonstrate high levels of courtesy and respect for fellow staff members, faculty, students, community members, visitors, and friends of the College with whom we have contact on a daily basis. It is the expectation of the College that you kept apprised of the policies wherein by reviewing this handbook on the College intranet or inquiring to your supervisor or human resources.

This Handbook is designed to provide information that will make it easier to develop and maintain successful relationships as a member of the McPherson College staff. It provides a general view of the College’s employee benefits, your responsibilities as an employee, and work rules of the College. The Handbook should also help you answer the commonly asked questions about employment at the College. The College reserves the right to interpret, modify, or make exceptions to its policies and procedures at any time, and to terminate existing policies or add new ones as necessary. In the event there is an inconsistency between the handbook and a benefit that is regulated by federal or state laws, the applicable laws and regulations will have precedence. In some cases, such as insurance and retirement plans, benefits provided are governed by lengthy legal documents. Such documents are not included in the Handbook, but they are available upon request from the Human Resource office. In the event of any conflict between the Handbook and the Plan Documents, the Plan Documents control.