1.04 Employment At Will

The Handbook and its contents do not constitute an express or implied contract of employment. Unless otherwise provided in an express written contract, employment at the College is at will and may be terminated for any reason, with or without notice, by the College or by you, as an employee. Nothing in these policies shall be interpreted to be in conflict with or to eliminate or modify in any way the employment-at-will status of McPherson College employees. Additionally, any employee who does not report to duty for three or more consecutive work days will be considered to have voluntarily resigned from said position.

Any employee who terminates her/his employment with the college loses all vested rights for any term or condition of employment and is considered to be new employee if rehired to the college.

Only the President of the College or his/her designee is authorized to bind the College to a written contract of employment.

McPherson College has certain standards of conduct and performance; therefore poor performance or misconduct may result in discipline up to and including termination. This does not constitute at change in the employee-at-will status.