
McPherson College’s Statement of Mission expresses the College’s dedication to providing “an environment shaped by the essential values of its founding denomination,” the Church of the Brethren. Among these values are non-violence and peace. As one of the historic peace churches, the denomination has maintained its opposition to war and counsels its members against participation in the military. The Brethren also, as noted in the mission statement, “affirm diversity within the community,” and the pursuit of truth is done “with respect for the consciences and value differences of others.”

Thus the official policy of McPherson College is to permit official military recruiters on campus, but only when they are specifically invited to visit with a member of the College community. Individual students may request such visits through the career services office and will be assigned a private room for an interview. There will be no general enlistment activities on campus. This includes posters, advertisements in College publications, special display tables or booths for recruitment materials, and commissioning ceremonies.