601-699 Academic Policies – Enrollment, Curriculum, Classroom

//601-699 Academic Policies - Enrollment, Curriculum, Classroom

FAC 601. Teaching

All faculty are employed with the expectation that they will be effective in the classroom. In regular faculty evaluations, classroom teaching is the most important consideration (see Section 440). Self-reflection for the purpose of improving instruction is a critically important professional responsibility. Faculty prepare an annual Professional Development Plan in which they establish performance improvement goals for the upcoming year and assess their success in achieving the previous year’s goals.

Faculty are expected to remain current in their academic fields. Consulting as necessary with their department chairs, faculty have the autonomy to select their own textbooks and to develop their own curricula, consistent with existing course descriptions and program student learning outcomes. Text selection should be kept current, though yearly changes of texts are not necessary. All textbook adoptions should be placed by the deadline announced by the Academic Affairs Office.

McPherson College nurtures entrepreneurial teaching and learning. Faculty looking for support in developing creative and innovative approaches to course development (e.g., interdisciplinary teaching, team teaching, hybrid instruction, etc.) are encouraged to discuss proposals with their department chairs and Chief Academic Officer.

New faculty members who want assistance with developing teaching strategies or preparation of materials are encouraged to speak to their department chair, colleagues, or CAO.

FAC 602. Office Hours

As an institution that takes pride in excellent teaching and individual attention to students, McPherson College expects faculty to be readily available to students.  Faculty should schedule and observe 2-3 office hours per week.  They should include these scheduled office hours on their syllabi and make themselves available to students by appointment outside regular office hours. Faculty are encouraged to spend as much of their work week on campus as circumstances allow.

FAC 603. Classroom Conduct

All faculty members at McPherson College have the responsibility to maintain an atmosphere conducive to learning in their classrooms and labs. Therefore, when, in the judgment of the instructor, a student’s behavior undermines the learning atmosphere, the instructor may remove that student from the classroom for the remainder of the class period.

Students who repeatedly undermine the learning environment, or whose disruptive behavior includes violence, threats, or harassment, may be subject to permanent ejection from a course. Unless the instructor specifies otherwise, ejected students fail the course.

To request permanent removal of a disruptive student from a course, an instructor must document in writing the dates and behaviors justifying the request. The request should be submitted to the CAO, copied to the affected student, and placed in the student’s permanent records. Students have the right to appeal an instructor’s request for permanent removal from a course to the CAO.

FAC 604. Academic Integrity Policy

As a community of scholars, we expect academic integrity from both students and professors. Faculty who violate standards of academic integrity are subject to discipline as provided in section 490 of the Faculty Handbook. This policy outlines the repercussions for students who behave in academically dishonest ways.


Academic dishonesty is any act of cheating, fabrication, or plagiarism.

  • Cheating is using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids. Examples: copying homework, copying someone else’s test, using an unauthorized “cheat sheet,” etc.
  • Fabrication is falsification or invention of any information or citation. Examples: making up a source, giving an incorrect citation, deliberately misquoting a source, etc.
  • Plagiarism is representing the work of another (words, pictures, ideas, etc.) as one’s own in the final submission of an academic assignment, not, as a rule, in drafts or preliminary versions.

(The examples above are not exhaustive; infractions may include actions not listed.)

Procedures for Unintentional Violations of Academic Integrity

Instructors use their discretion in determining whether infractions of academic integrity are intentional or unintentional. When instructors determine an act of academic dishonesty is unintentional, they may use their professional judgment in determining the best way to remediate the student.

Procedures for Intentional Violations of Academic Integrity

When instructors determine that an act of academic dishonesty is intentional, they shall

  1. Complete and submit an Academic Dishonesty Incident Report form, including documentation of the incident, to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. (The form is available on the college Intranet site or in the Academic Affairs office.)
  2. Impose the sanction for academic dishonesty provided in their course syllabus, pending notification from the VPAA that their incident report is the first one filed against that student.

Students reported to the VPAA for the first time for an act of plagiarism shall submit documentation of their successful completion of a recommended plagiarism prevention program.

If a student has had one or more incident reports previously submitted to the VPAA, the following consequences shall ensue:

  • Second reported offense: The student shall fail the course. At the request of the reporting faculty member, the student, the faculty member, and the VPAA can meet to determine the appropriateness of an F in the course for the behavior reported.
  • Third reported offense: The student shall be suspended for the remainder of the term plus one additional full semester and fail the course in which the incident occurred. If the incident is reported prior to the last day to withdraw without a grade, the student will be withdrawn from all other courses in which he or she is enrolled. If the incident is reported after that date, the student shall receive final course grades calculated by adding zeroes for all remaining course assignments to grades received up to that point in the course. Suspended students must reapply for admission and are not guaranteed re-admittance.
  • Fourth reported offense: Dismissal with no right to appeal.

The VPAA will notify the student, the student’s advisor, and the director of academic development each time an Academic Dishonesty Incident Report is submitted. With the exception noted above for a student’s fourth infraction, students have the right to appeal any charge of academic dishonesty following the same procedures described in the Grade Appeal Policy published in the academic catalog.

Other Kinds of Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty can also include dissimulation and aiding and abetting.

  • Dissimulation is the act of disguising or altering one’s actions so as to deceive another about the real nature of one’s actions concerning an academic exercise, including (but not limited to) fabricating excuses for missing classes, postponing tests, handing in late papers, turning in a paper for one class that was originally written for another class (when original work is requested), taking inappropriate credit for group work, etc.
  • Aiding and abetting is knowingly facilitating any act defined in this policy, including (but not limited to) students helping other students plagiarize and/or cheat by unauthorized sharing of lab work or coursework, not reporting others’ cheating incidents, etc.

Faculty retain the right to deal with instances of dissimulation and aiding and abetting as they deem appropriate, including reporting such incidents to the VPAA.

FAC 605. Teaching Load

New Version (approved by Faculty on 4/05/12)

The maximum and expected teaching load for-full time faculty shall be an average of 24 hours of teaching per academic year. This may be shifted across years in consultation with the Chief Academic Officer (CAO)—for example, 28 hours in one year and 20 hours in a subsequent year—in order to provide flexibility in scheduling. The maximum number of preparations in a two-year period should not exceed 12. In addition to full-time load courses, faculty may request permission to teach a maximum of one course by appointment or independent study course each semester.

Type of Course

Faculty Teaching Load Count

Faculty Contact Hours

1 lecture credit hour 1 load hour 15 faculty contact hours per credit
1 lab credit hour 1 load hour 30 faculty contact hours per credit
1 private lesson credit .33 load hour 15 faculty contact 30- minute periods per credit
Theater practica supervision Variable by contract Variable
1 team-taught credit hour By arrangement with CAO 15 contact hours
1 online credit hour 1 load hour 15 contact hours
Internship supervision None None
Supervision of a full-time student-teaching field experience .66  Load hours Minimum 4 field observations
Course by appointment or individually scheduled TBA None 15 faculty contact hours per credit hour
Independent study None 5 faculty contact hours per credit hour

In addition to teaching duties, a faculty member is expected to serve on committees, perform curricular administrative tasks such as assessment, and to perform other campus and departmental duties.  When other responsibilities are great, teaching load may be decreased or additional stipends allocated.  These modifications shall be made on a contractual basis in coordination with the Chief Academic Officer (CAO).

Exception to the above guidelines may be approved by the CAO on a case-by-case basis.

FAC 607. Class Rosters, Records, and Attendance

Faculty are required to submit all course grades in accordance with the academic calendar.  Faculty members should keep class attendance records in order to comply with federal mandates that the college document the last date of attendance if a student withdraws. Faculty members are required to report attendance data through the college’s on-line reporting system.

FAC 608. Scheduling of Classes and Course Changes

With direction from the academic departments, the registrar’s office prepares the class schedule for each academic year several weeks in advance of the pre-enrollment period. Faculty members are invited to bring curriculum and schedule problems to the chief academic officer and/or registrar’s office at any time.

Changes in course credits, content, and new course proposals must be approved by the department, the division, and Educational Policies Committee. If the course is part of the teacher education or general education program, the changes also need the approval of the Teacher Education Board.

FAC 611. Guidelines for Study-Travel Experiences

Regardless of the destination or time away from campus, study-travel experiences contribute to students’ academic growth and often provide life-long memories. In general, McPherson College categorizes study-travel experiences in one of three ways:

  1. International study-travel experiences
  2. Domestic study-travel experiences (under McPherson College’s insurance policy, domestic travel is defined as anywhere in the 50 United States, plus Canada and Puerto Rico)
  3. Local study-travel experiences, usually field trips of no more than a day in length

The following guidelines apply to study-travel experiences sponsored by faculty, including, but not limited to, travel courses, deputations, ensemble tours, student club and organization trips, alumni tours, service projects, and field trips. Travel for intercollegiate competition or off-campus practices is governed by athletic travel guidelines.

611.1 International Study-Travel Experiences

International travel includes all travel outside the 50 states, with the exception of travel to Canada and Puerto Rico. Faculty sponsors of such travel experiences are required to see that all relevant procedures in this section are followed.

611.1.1 Permission Procedures

Before international study-travel experiences can be announced or advertised, the faculty sponsor(s) must complete the following procedures:

  • To assure liability coverage for international travel, sponsors must submit to the chief financial officer the following information no later than February 1 preceding the academic year in which the travel is projected:
    • the potential countries to be visited
    • an estimated number of students, faculty, and chaperones
    • an estimated length of the travel experience.

Faculty sponsors should submit this information even if they are unsure the travel experience will actually materialize as the college cannot insure a trip after the insurance contract for the academic year is finalized.

  • Travel courses for credit must be approved through normal faculty procedures. The chief academic officer can also approve courses on a one-time pilot basis only.
  • A tentative itinerary and a realistic budget, including the estimated cost for students, must be submitted to the chief financial officer. Only after the CFO approves the budget and appropriate arrangements have been made with the Business Office may the trip be promoted.

611.1.2 Preparing for the International Study-Travel Experience

Prior to embarking on the international study-travel experience, the faculty sponsor(s) should see that the following have been secured:

  • At least one faculty member or responsible adult chaperone in addition to the sponsoring faculty member must accompany every international travel experience. This second responsible adult should be prepared to stay with a student who becomes seriously ill or injured while the group continues its travels. It will often be helpful if one of the adults assuming responsibilities is male and the other is female, but this is not required.
  • The list of trip participants and their emergency contact information has been gathered on the McPherson College Travel Form and submitted along with the final itinerary to the Academic Affairs office at least a week before travel begins.
  • The faculty sponsor has verified through the administrative assistant in the VPAA’s office that each trip participant has a signed Release of Liability Waiver on file in the Academic Affairs office. Most students will sign the waiver during check-in at the beginning of the academic year. If the student’s waiver is not on file, the student will have to complete one in order to travel with the group.
  • If students will receive academic credit for the experience, a copy of the class syllabus should also be submitted to the Academic Affairs office.

For detailed suggestions and guidelines for planning the international study-travel experience, faculty should consult Appendix __, Planning Effective Study-Travel Experiences. Questions or concerns regarding travel liability should be directed to the chief financial officer.

611.1.3 International Travel Guidelines

In case of a significant illness or injury to a trip participant, the faculty sponsor should seek appropriate medical care at a health care facility within that country. The emergency contact provided by the student should be informed as soon as possible as well as the college’s chief financial officer and/or chief academic officer. Should the situation demand, one of the faculty members or accompanying chaperones should be prepared to stay on location with the affected traveler while the group moves on in keeping with its itinerary.

All institutional policies, including the policies regarding alcohol, drugs, and harassment, remain in place on international trips. Students who violate the college’s code of conduct should be confronted by the faculty sponsor. In case of non-compliance, the professor has the right to return the student to the U.S. Upon return to campus, the sponsor may use discretion in determining whether to report the misconduct to Student Services for further action.

611.1.4 Rental Vehicle Policy

The faculty member or employee renting a vehicle outside the United States (except Canada and Puerto Rico) must have been approved as a college driver as explained in Administrative Policy ADM 315. In addition, the approved college driver must meet all applicable laws in the country where the vehicle will be operated. At the time of finalizing the rental, the faculty sponsor must purchase the Collision Damage Waiver offered by the rental agency. Vehicles are limited to 15-passenger vans, minivans, compact to full-size cars. Students are not allowed to operate a rented vehicle outside the United States.

Every accident, with or without injuries or property damage, needs to be reported immediately to the local police, the rental agency, and to the college’s CFO.

FAC 611.2 Domestic Study-Travel Experiences

Domestic travel includes all travel within the 50 United States, as well as travel to Canada and Puerto Rico. Faculty sponsors of domestic travel experiences are required to see that all relevant procedures in this section are followed.

611.2.1 Permission Procedures

Before domestic study-travel experiences can be announced or advertised, the faculty sponsor(s) must complete the following procedures:

  • Travel courses for credit must be approved through normal faculty procedures. The chief academic officer can also approve courses on a one-time pilot basis only.
  • A tentative itinerary and a realistic budget, including the estimated cost for students, must be submitted to the chief financial officer. Only after the CFO approves the budget and appropriate arrangements have been made with the Business Office may the trip be promoted.

611.2.2 Preparing for the Domestic Study-Travel Experience

Prior to embarking on a domestic study-travel experience, the faculty sponsor(s) should see that the following have been completed:

  • The faculty sponsor should consider whether at least one faculty member or responsible adult chaperone in addition to the sponsoring faculty member should accompany the group. This second responsible adult would need to be prepared to stay with a student who becomes seriously ill or injured while the group continues its travels. It will often be helpful if one of the adults assuming responsibilities is male and the other is female, but this is not required.
  • The list of trip participants and their emergency contact information has been gathered on the McPherson College Travel Form and submitted along with the final itinerary to the Academic Affairs office at least a week before travel begins.
  • The faculty sponsor has verified through the administrative assistant in the VPAA’s office that each trip participant has a signed Release of Liability Waiver on file in the Academic Affairs office. Most students will sign the waiver during check-in at the beginning of the academic year. If the student’s waiver is not on file, the student will have to complete one in order to travel with the group.
  • Copies of the above forms, plus a final itinerary, are submitted to the Academic Affairs office at least a week before travel begins. If students will be receiving academic credit for the experience, a copy of the syllabus should be included.

For detailed suggestions and guidelines for planning domestic study-travel experience, faculty should consult Appendix __, Planning Effective Study-Travel Experiences. Questions or concerns regarding travel liability should be directed to the chief financial officer.

611.2.3 Travel Guidelines

In case of a significant illness or injury to a trip participant, the faculty sponsor should seek appropriate medical care for the participant at a health care facility. The emergency contact provided by the student should be informed as soon as possible as well as the college’s chief financial officer and/or chief academic officer. Should the situation demand, one of the faculty members or accompanying chaperones should be prepared to stay on location with the affected traveler while the group moves on in keeping with its itinerary.

All institutional policies, including the policies regarding alcohol, drugs, and harassment, remain in place on domestic trips. Students who violate the college’s code of conduct should be confronted by the faculty sponsor. In case of non-compliance, the professor has the right to return the student to campus. Upon return to campus, the sponsor may use discretion in determining whether to report the misconduct to Student Services for further action.

611.2.4 Rental Vehicle Policy

The faculty member or employee renting a vehicle must be an approved college driver as explained in Administrative Policy ADM 315. Faculty sponsors of domestic travel do not need to purchase the Collision Damage Waiver offered by the rental agency. Vehicles are limited to 15-passenger vans, minivans, compact to full-size cars. In cases when students are driving, refer the “Student Driving (Undergraduate and Graduate Students)” section in ADM 315.

Every accident, with or without injuries or property damage, needs to be reported immediately to the local police, the rental agency, and to the college’s CFO.

Faculty wishing to charter a bus for a domestic travel-study experience should consult Bus Chartering Procedures in Administrative Policy ADM 315.

FAC 611.3 Local Study-Travel Experiences

Local travel includes those class field trips ranging from an hour or two to a full day away from campus. Any organized trip taken with students for the purpose of class or co-curricular activities or events that returns students to campus without an overnight stop is considered “local travel.”

611.3.1 Preparing for Local Study-Travel Experiences

Class field trips and other local travel experiences do not require permission of the CFO or CAO, but faculty planning such trips should consider the college’s activities calendar to avoid setting a date that creates conflicts for students. If at all possible, faculty should include the date of field experiences in the course syllabus.

If students participating in the field experience will miss other classes that day, the faculty member should notify the faculty at large of the event and the students that will be participating at least 48 hours prior to students’ absences. Students are responsible for making appropriate arrangements with their other professors, recognizing that the field experience may or may not be an excused absence by that instructor.

The faculty sponsor should verify through the administrative assistant in the VPAA’s office that each trip participant has a signed Release of Liability Waiver on file in the Academic Affairs office. Most students will sign the waiver during check-in at the beginning of the academic year. If the student’s waiver is not on file, the student will have to complete one in order to travel with the group.

At least 48 hours before the local travel begins, the faculty sponsor should submit a description of the event, the anticipated departure and return times, and a list of trip participants to the Academic Affairs office.

611.3.2 Transportation for Local Study-Travel Experiences

Transportation for local travel typically consists of one of three options: the use of college-owned or rented vehicles, the use of employee-owned vehicles, and/or the use of student-vehicles.

  • College-Owned or Rented Vehicles. The college typically owns or leases a number of vans capable of carrying 15-25 passengers. These college vehicles are reserved primarily for transporting student-athletes to away contests, but they are often available for class or organization field trips. Depending upon staffing and organization of duties, the scheduling of these vehicles is managed either by the Athletic Director’s office or by Facilities Management. When planning a field trip for a large number of students, check on the availability of these vehicles first. Departments can expect to be charged for expenses associated with the use of college-owned or rented vehicles. If they are booked, Facilities Management can assist with renting a vehicle appropriate for the size of your group.Only McPherson College faculty, staff, students or volunteers who have an acceptable Motor Vehicle Record, the appropriate license for the vehicle to be used, and who have been approved by Facilities Management can operate a college-owned or rented vehicle. Those who want to be approved as drivers must have undergone a MVR check through the Human Resources office while at McPherson College and driving instruction through Facilities Management. In cases when students are driving, refer the “Student Driving (Undergraduate and Graduate Students)” section in ADM 315.
  • Employee-Owned Vehicles. Faculty who have cleared a Moving Vehicle Record check through the Human Resources office may use their personal vehicles to transport students. In case of an injury accident, the employee’s personal liability coverage is primary. The college’s insurance does provide extended liability beyond the employee’s coverage, but not for property damage.
  • Student-owned Vehicles. Under the law, students who drive themselves and others on college-sponsored field trips are considered commuters. A student’s personal insurance is primary for both liability and collision. The college’s insurance provides no extended coverage for student drivers. Students driving their own vehicles to a field experience or event do not have to undergo a MVR check. The liability waiver that students sign at the beginning of the year will ask students to confirm their awareness that their insurance is primary in an instance where they are using their personal automobile for college-sponsored travel.

611.3.3 Local Travel Guidelines

In case of illness or injury to a participant on a field experience, the faculty sponsor should take appropriate measures, including seeking medical care, as needed. If the situation is serious, the sponsor should inform the college’s chief financial officer and/or chief academic officer as soon as possible.

All institutional policies, including the policies regarding alcohol, drugs, and harassment, remain in place on local trips. Students who violate the college’s code of conduct should be confronted by the faculty sponsor. The sponsor may use discretion in determining whether to report the misconduct to Student Services for further action.

611.4 Clery Reporting Requirements

The 1990 Clery Act requires the college to report every instance in which a college group stays in the same hotel for two consecutive nights or in a hotel where a college group has previously stayed. Contact Student Affairs to determine the proper way to report your accommodation and travel information.

FAC 612. Eligibility of Students to Represent College in Co-Curricular or Deputation Roles

A student must be properly enrolled in courses totaling at least twelve semester hours and must have made passing grades in at least twelve hours in the previous term in order to represent the McPherson College in any extra curricular activity or in deputation activities. (Normally, students should not represent the college if they were on the probation list at the end of the previous term.)

The college defines a sponsored trip or deputation as any individual or group officially representing McPherson College away from the campus. All College sponsored trips and deputations must be cleared with the College Advancement Office. All persons performing in music ensembles shall be approved by the Music Department and other persons taking part in a deputation program shall be approved by the department which they represent. The total deputation program shall be planned ahead, covering the entire year as much as possible, so as to avoid problems arising from an end of semester pile up of programs.

Eligibility rules of the Kansas Collegiate Athletic Conference (KCAC) and the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) are followed for all students participating in athletic events.

FAC 614. Special Courses (Appointment, Independent Study, Career Connections Internship and Field Experience, Readings and Research)

Students may enroll for various kinds of individualized instruction, including courses by appointment, independent study, Career Connections internships and field experiences, and readings and research, following submission of a formal application to the Provost and Dean of the Faculty. Forms are available in the Student Enrollment Services Office. The “Special Courses” section in the McPherson College Catalog describes each of the above types of individualized instruction. Questions about proper use of these special courses should be directed to the Provost and Dean of the Faculty.

FAC 615. Distance Learning

Policy for distance learning courses: 

Any course offered in a hybrid or online format where more than 60% of the traditional course for one or more students is delivered in an alternative synchronous or asynchronous, remote or online format requires approval by the Chief Academic Officer (CAO) or Education Policies Committee (EPC). Approval is not required if the online format is used as an accommodation related to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 

A traditional course is defined as a normally in-person, face-to-face course. Time of an individual course is defined by Carnegie Unit of one hour per week, face-to-face for a one credit course.  


The professor or department wishing to offer a new or existing distance learning course shall submit an application including the below information to the CAO. 

The CAO will route the application for approval through the following: 

For a one time trial or situation, an individual course offering may be approved solely by CAO 

For permanent individual course offerings and multi-course/program offerings, offerings shall be approved by the Education Policies Committee (EPC)  

The application to offer distance learning must include the following information: 

  • Clear and concise explanation of what the distance learning will involve (courses, modalities, pedagogy, instructor(s), etc.) 
  • Strategic justification for the request 
  • Qualifications of professor(s) to manage the type of distance learning or the development plan to gain the necessary skills 
  • Additional distance learning training that will be provided 
  • The estimated cost impact of the change 
  • The student identity verification protocol(s) that will be used 
  • What substantive interaction between student and professor will occur on a regularly scheduled and predictable basis appropriate to the course or program 
  • Assessment/evaluation plans and how (if at all) they differ from standard practice 
  • How student services will be made available 
  • What technology support will be needed for both the faculty and the students involved  

Policy proposal-distance learning programs: 

Institutional Identity: Additionally any major/emphasis/ program where more than 50% of the program is offered as distance learning would also require a review of the program as a McPherson College program review or proposal. 

FAC 618. Convocations

Convocations at McPherson College are opportunities for the entire campus community to gather to celebrate achievements of community members and to share information of importance and interest to everyone. Attendance at convocation is a responsibility every student and employee owes to the collective body; much of the campus, including the dining hall and the library, demonstrates a commitment to community by closing for convocations. The value of convocation is directly connected to the common gathering of all community members at one time, in one space. For these reasons, among others, convocation attendance is expected of all community members.

FAC 621. Student Overload

See “Course Load,” McPherson College Catalog.

FAC 650. Faculty Role in Program and Institutional Assessment

Faculty in all areas are expected to participate in a program of assessment in the major field of study and in general education areas in which they teach. The goal of academic assessment is to improve student learning and instructional effectiveness. Faculty members should be familiar with the assessment processes and methods in their areas of teaching and are expected to participate in the implementation of assessments. Once a year departmental chairs, in collaboration with departmental faculty, are required to prepare and submit a program assessment report, including assessment results and any changes implemented based on the prior year’s assessments.

All faculty should also be familiar with institutional assessment and accreditation and be prepared to perform duties in the process of carrying out, reviewing, or revising institutional and program assessment practices.

FAC 651. Freshman Testing Program

The American College Testing program (ACT) or the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is required of all entering freshmen. Scores from these instruments are used for academic advising. On a “need-to-know” basis, faculty should contact the Associate Dean of Academic Records to secure needed information from these tests, including educational and vocational plans, special educational needs and interests, advanced placement in high school, and high school extracurricular activities and college extracurricular plans.

FAC 655. Final Examinations

Faculty are expected to involve students in a major educational experience in all regular credit courses at the end of each term at the time indicated in the schedule of final examinations approved by the Educational Policies Committee. A two-hour period is scheduled for each final examination, which should include a genuine evaluation device.

Faculty desiring to hold exams at times other than those on the approved exam schedule may do so only with permission of the Chief Academic Officer.

Students who have three or more final exams scheduled on the same day may speak to the CAO about working with the involved faculty to arrange a different time for one or more of the finals. Students should not ask faculty to take exams at another time for any reason other than extraordinary, unavoidable circumstances, nor should faculty agree to do so without approval of the CAO.

FAC 656. Grades and Grading Scale

Faculty are expected to make grading policies clear and explicit on course syllabi.  At midterm and at the end of each term, faculty are required to turn in all student grades by the specified due date.

See “Satisfactory Academic Progress: Scholarship, Probation and Suspension Rules” and “Scale of Grading” in the McPherson College Catalog.

FAC 657. Guidelines Concerning Disputed Grades

Introduction. The McPherson College Catalog traditionally contains a statement that “all grades are determined by the instructor in charge of the specific course.” The guidelines that follow do not abrogate this basic principle of faculty responsibility. They do provide for an avenue by which students who feel that they have been unjustly evaluated may request review of the evaluation. In keeping with the spirit of the catalog statement, all such review of evaluations should remain solely in the hands of faculty; no student or student group should be involved in review procedure at any stage of its progress. The guidelines for review of disputed grades are as follows:

Step 1. No review procedure may begin until a student concerned about his/her evaluation has discussed this evaluation personally with the instructor who recorded the grade under review. (Note: this step may be waived in cases of permanent absence of the instructor or as otherwise deemed advisable by the Provost and Dean of the Faculty.)

Step 2. When a student, after consultation with the instructor described in Step 1 above, feels a continuing grievance, the Provost and Dean of the Faculty may, if he or she deems this appropriate under the circumstances, confer with student and instructor separately and informally, thus attempting to obtain resolution of the dispute at issue.

Step 3. If resolution is not achieved in Step 2, above, the student, but only with the written permission of the Provost and Dean of Faculty, may appeal to a committee of review established as follows: One member of the faculty of McPherson College selected by the student; one member of the faculty of McPherson College, other than himself, selected by the instructor involved; one member of a faculty, preferably in an academic discipline close to that in which the review is undertaken, appointed either by the Provost and Dean of the Faculty or by the President of the College. The member of the committee thus appointed by the Provost and Dean of the Faculty or President may be from another institution than McPherson College. The appointed committee should examine any written or oral evidence submitted by the principals involved in the review. Following such examination, in closed session, the committee should determine the legitimacy of the student’s grievance; in the event that the grievance is found to be valid, the committee should recommend to the Provost and Dean of the Faculty an alternative grade for record. Decisions of this committee are final and subject to no institutional appeal. The Step 3 procedure described above shall occur only if the Provost and Dean of Faculty deems such procedure appropriate in the particular case, and gives to the aggrieved student written permission to pursue such procedure.

FAC 658. Students on Academic Probation

Students may be placed on probation at McPherson College for academic reasons. Student academic probation is governed by the Satisfactory Academic Progress: Scholarship, Probation and Suspension Rules in the McPherson College Catalog. The Office of the Provost and Dean of the Faculty will provide faculty advisers with information concerning the academic status of students. Faculty advisers are expected to work with all such students in order to help them overcome their difficulties.

FAC 660. Academic Advising Program

The welfare of each student should be a primary concern of each faculty member. Faculty members should be available for advising with students. Faculty members should take the initiative in advising whenever they see the need for it, or they should report the need to the colleague who is in the position to do the most good. Any undesirable practices pertaining to the physical, intellectual, social, or moral life of a student should be reported to the Dean of Students. Problems found through advising should also be reported to the Dean of Students. An “early alert” system is in place, by which all personnel are encouraged to communicate any perceived student problems to the Deans’ Office.

FAC 665. Advising Students for Teacher Education

Faculty should advise students desiring to become teachers to contact the Department of Curriculum and Instruction as early in their college careers as possible. However, faculty advisors should be very familiar with requirements and procedures described in the Advisor/Advisee Handbook for Teacher Preparation Programs.

FAC 670. Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges

Each year faculty who have been teaching at McPherson College for more than one year are invited to elect the students to Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. A faculty representative conducts the election by ballot. The recommendation of Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges is to confine the election to students who fulfill the basic requirements of a 3.0 grade point average and 80 hours completed. The following qualities should be determining factors in the choices made: scholarship ability, participation and leadership in academic and extracurricular activities, citizenship and service to the college, and potential for future achievement. Faculty may vote for as many persons as they believe to be deserving of this recognition. Those students receiving votes from 50 percent or more of the voting faculty will be elected.