

FAC Appendix 01. Board of Trustees BYLAWS


Election of Trustees

Section 1. Number. The Board of Trustees shall consist of not more than twenty-five (25) members and not less than twenty (20) members; provided, however, that the Board shall have the power to act even if the number of its members falls below twenty (20).

Section 2. Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall be comprised of the best qualified persons available with a majority of its membership persons who are members of the Church of the Brethren and/or McPherson College alumni.

Section 3. Nominations for Trustees. The Committee on Trustees of the Board of Trustees shall present such nominations as it may determine for consideration by the Board of Trustees at the first meeting of the calendar year, or, if vacancies exist, at any other duly called meeting of the Board of Trustees. The committee shall regularly invite suggestions for nominations from members of the Board of Trustees and it may seek other suggestions for nominations from outside the Board of Trustees.

The committee shall ask for suggestions for  nominations from the Alumni Association of McPherson College and from the district conference of each of the following four duly constituted Church of the Brethren Districts: Northern Plains, Western Plains, Southern Plains and Missouri-Arkansas. The committee shall also seek suggestions from organizations within McPherson County, and any of the McPherson College Advisory Boards.

Section 4. Elections.Election of trustees shall occur at the first meeting of the Board of Trustees during the calendar year except when the Board deems it advisable to conduct an election at another regular or special board meeting.

Section 5. Term. Each trustee shall serve a term of five (5) years, or until his/her successor is elected unless he or she earlier dies, resigns, or is removed from the Board of Trustees. Trustee terms commence at the conclusion of the first meeting subsequent to their election. To the extent practicable, an equal number of terms shall commence each year. No trustee shall be eligible for more than two (2) successive five (5) years terms of office without having been off the Board of Trustees for a period of at least one (1) year.

Section 6. Vacancies. If a trustee position is vacated before the expiration of the term, it may be filled by the Board of Trustees. The successor trustee so elected shall hold office for the unexpired portion of such term.



Powers and Duties of the Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees shall:

Section 1. Establish policy for McPherson College.

Section 2. Select and hire a President of the College who shall hold office at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees.

Section 3. Elect trustees as provided in Article I of the bylaws.

Section 4. Have the option to declare vacant the seat of any trustee who shall be absent from three (3) consecutive meetings of the Board.

Section 5. Elect by ballot from their own number a Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, and a Secretary.

Section 6. Identify and create such committees as may be required.

Section 7. Incur indebtedness.

Section 8. Grant honorary degrees.

Section 9. Have the right to exercise all other powers belonging to it, whether by law or otherwise, except as otherwise set forth in these bylaws. Notwithstanding any contrary provisions in these bylaws, the Board of Trustees shall not have the power or authority to take any action which shall deprive McPherson College of its status as an exempt organization under the provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code, Section 501(c)(3).




Section 1. Regular Meetings. The Board shall meet regularly at least three (3) times during each academic year, July 1 through June 30.

Section 2. Special Meetings.

2.01. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the Chair at such place as may be specified. Notice of special meetings shall be given at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting.

2.02. An emergency meeting of the Board of Trustees may be called at any time by two-thirds (2/3) consent of the trustees.

2.03. The Chair may and, upon written request of a majority of the trustees, shall call a special meeting of the trustees at any time, with at least fifteen (15) days notice.

2.04. Notice shall be given of such called meetings by any of the following methods of authorized notice: leave a written or printed notice at the residence or place of business of such Trustee; mail such notice; send by confirmed telefacsimile transmission or confirmed delivery by reputable private express service; call on the telephone or send by e-mail. Such service of notice shall be entered in the minutes and said minutes upon being read and approved at a subsequent meeting of the Board, shall be conclusive upon the question of service.

Section 3. Quorum. A simple quorum for the transaction of business at any regular or special meeting of the Board shall consist of a majority of the total number of trustees. In the absence of a quorum, a majority of those present shall have the power to adjourn the meeting to a future date. Notice of the date, time, and place to which the meeting is adjourned shall be promptly given by any of the methods set forth above, or by any combination.

Section 4. Telephone Conference Meetings. The trustees of the Board, or any committee designated by the Board, may participate in a meeting of the Board or committee by means of conference telephone or similar communications equipment by means of which all participating in the meeting can hear and converse with each other, and participation in such meeting shall constitute attendance at such meeting.

Section 5. Meetings by Letter or Electronic Correspondence. Any action required or permitted to be taken at any meeting of the Board or any committee of the Board may be taken without a meeting if all members of the Board or committee consent thereto in writing, telefacsimile transmission, without limitation, or by e-mail with such “correspondence” to be filed with the minutes of Board or committee.




In the event of dissolution of McPherson College, assets remaining after payment of all debts of the College shall be transferred by the Board of Trustees to a nonprofit organization whose purposes are substantially the same as those of the College and which, at the time of transfer, is exempt from federal income taxation under Internal Revenue Code, Section 501(c)(3) or the corresponding provisions of any subsequent federal tax laws. Any such assets not so transferred by the Board of Trustees shall be disposed of by the District or Circuit Court of the County in which the registered office of the College is located, exclusively for such tax-exempt purposes or to such tax-exempt organization as the Court shall determine. No member, trustee or officer of the College, or any private individual, shall be entitled to share in the distribution of any of the assets of the College on its dissolution.




Section 1. Officers. The officers of the Board of Trustees shall consist of a Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary. The officers shall be nominated by the Committee on Trustees and elected by the Board for a term of three (3) years and shall not be eligible for re-election after having served two (2) successive terms. Nominations shall not include any trustees with less than two (2) years of service on the Board and nominations for the Board Chair shall not include any trustees with less than two (2) years of service on the Executive Committee. The officers of the Board shall be elected at the first meeting of the Board of Trustees during a calendar year. Such elected officers will assume the duties of their respective offices at the conclusion of the first subsequent meeting of the Board following their election. The Board may deem it advisable to conduct an election at another regular or special board meeting. When a special election is held, the Board may seat the elected officer(s) at the conclusion of that meeting.

Section 2. The Chair of the Board of Trustees. It shall be the duty of the Chair of the Board of Trustees to preside at all meetings of the Board. He/she shall sign all contracts and other instruments of writing which have been first approved by the Board of Trustees or Executive Committee.

Section 3. Vice Chair. The Vice Chair shall act in the place of the Chair when the Chair is unable to perform the duties of his/her office or is absent from the meeting. If both the Chair and Vice Chair are absent or unable to perform their duties, a member of the Executive Committee shall assume the responsibilities of the Chair. The Vice Chair shall serve as Chair of the Committee on Trustees.

Section 4. Secretary. The Secretary shall keep the Corporate Seal and shall affix the same to all documents requiring a seal. He/she shall keep the proper records and shall discharge such other duties as pertain to his/her office or are prescribed by the Board of Trustees. The Secretary shall serve all notices required by law or the bylaws of the College.

Section 5. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall ensure that all Trustees shall receive quarterly financial statements from the college administration. The Treasurer shall ensure that annual or special audits are provided all trustees in a timely manner for review and discussion as appropriate. He/she shall work closely with college personnel responsible for financial matters, the Board-approved auditor, and the appropriate Board committee(s).




Section 1. The Board shall have the standing committees described below. Except as may be set forth otherwise in these bylaws, no person who is not a trustee of the College shall be a member of any standing committee.

Section 2. Executive Committee

2.01 The principal standing committee shall be the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected officers of the Board and the chairs of all standing committees, with the President as an ex officio member. The Executive Committee shall exercise the powers of the Board between board meetings. This committee shall meet regularly or at the request of the Chair of the Board.

2.02 The Executive Committee shall commission regular evaluations of the President and shall be responsible for contract negotiations with the President.

2.03 Ad hoc committees for special purposes may be formed by the Executive Committee, subject to the approval of the Board, as needed. Special committees shall be appointed by the Chair of the Board as needed.

2.04 Notices of meetings and minutes of the Executive Committee meetings shall be sent to all members of the Board within fifteen (15) days of each meeting.

Section 3. Other Standing Committees. Chairs of each of the committees, other than the Committee on Trustees (chaired by the Vice Chair of the Board), shall be appointed by the Officers of the Board for a term of one (1) year, subject to reappointment for a total of six (6) consecutive years.

3.01 Financial Affairs Committee. The Financial Affairs Committee shall consist of not less than five (5) Board members, including the Treasurer of the Board, as well as the Chief Financial Officer of the college and the Vice President for Advancement who will serve as ex officio members. This committee shall review all of the financial affairs of the college, including the annual budget, investment policies and procedures and financial planning for the college. In addition, the committee shall review fundraising and advancement functions. This committee shall make annual recommendations regarding the selection of an auditor. In addition, the committee shall review fundraising and advancement functions. This committee shall bring necessary policy recommendations to the Board. Minutes of this committee shall be sent to the entire Board.

3.02 Academic Affairs Committee.  The Academic Affairs and Student Life Committee shall consist of not less than five (5) Board members and the Provost who shall serve as ex officio members. This committee shall review all matters pertaining to the academic affairs and Policies of the College, recommendations for the promotion and tenure of faculty members, academic programs, faculty welfare, honorary degrees, and any related matters. This committee shall bring necessary policy recommendations to the Board. Minutes of this committee shall be sent to the entire Board.

3.03 Enrollment and Student Life Committee. The Enrollment and Student Life Committee shall consist of not less than five (5) board members. The Vice President for Enrollment and Dean of Students shall serve as ex officio members. This committee shall review all matters related to student life and well being, marketing of the college, college promotions, communications, student retention and recruitment and financial aid. This committee shall make necessary policy recommendations to the Board. Minutes of this committee shall be sent to the entire board.

3.04 Committee on Trustees. The Committee on Trustees shall consist of not less than five (5) Board members and shall include at least one member from each of three standing committees: Financial Affairs, Academic Affairs & Student Life, and Admissions & Advancement, plus the Vice Chair of the Board, who will serve as Chair of the Committee. The President of the College shall serve as an ex-officio member. This committee shall be responsible for the recruitment of new board members, evaluation of board performance, evaluation of the organization and membership of the Board, nominations for membership to the Board, nominations for officers of the Board, and shall make policy recommendations on these matters to the Board. Minutes of this committee shall be sent only to members of the committee and the President, but the minutes shall be available in the President’s Office to any member of the Board.

3.05 Strategic Planning Committee. The Strategic Planning Committee shall consist of not less than five (5) Board members and shall include at least one member from each of three standing committees: Financial Affairs, Academic Affairs & Student Life, and Admissions & Advancement. The President of the College shall serve as an ex-officio member. This committee shall review all materials necessary to develop and support a strategic plan, including internal operational and financial results as well as data describing the external environment in which the College operates. This committee shall make recommendations relative to the necessary and appropriate actions of the Board related to the College’s strategic plan. Minutes of this committee shall be sent to the entire board.




The President, as the chief administrative officer of the College, is responsible for the overall success of the College in meeting its goals and objectives. He/She shall operate the College within the charter and bylaws and carry out the policies of the Board of Trustees. He/She shall report at each meeting of the Board on the condition and prospect of the College, submit a proposed budget for the ensuing college year, and make such recommendations and suggestions to the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee as he/she deems advisable. He/She shall sign all legal documents for and on behalf of the College, as may be directed by the Board or the Executive Committee. The President of the College shall be an ex officio member of the Board of Trustees and all Board Standing Committees.



Bylaws, Amendments, and Revision

These bylaws may be changed or amended at any meeting of the Board of Trustees by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all trustees, provided notice of the substance of the proposed amendment is sent to all the trustees at least thirty (30) days before the meeting, At the meeting, the Board may accept or reject any amendment as proposed, or adopt a modified or substitute version of any proposed amendment. The Board shall not amend any section of the bylaws other than those sections designated for proposed amendment in the notice.



The Seal

The Corporation shall have a common Seal, consisting of a circle having on its circumference the words, “McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas.”




Each trustee and officer of the College shall be indemnified against all expenses actually and necessarily incurred by such trustee or officer in connection with the defense of any action, suit or proceeding to which he or she has been made a party by reason of being or having been such trustee or officer. The College shall cover such expenses except in relation to matters where the trustee or officer shall be adjudicated in such action, suit or proceeding to be liable for gross negligence or willful misconduct in the performance of duty. The College shall maintain appropriate trustee and officer liability insurance coverage for this purpose.



Conflict of Interest

A trustee shall be considered to have a conflict of interest if

(a) such trustee has existing or potential financial or other interests which impair or might reasonably appear to impair such member’s independent, unbiased judgment in the discharge of his or her responsibilities to the College, or

(b) such trustee is aware that a member of his or her family, or any organization in which such trustee (or member of his or her family) is an officer, director, employee, member, partner, trustee, or controlling stockholder, has such existing or potential financial or other interests. For the purposes of this provision, a family member is defined as a spouse, parents, siblings, children and any other relative if the latter resides in the same household as the trustee.

All trustees shall disclose to the Board any possible conflict of interest at the earliest practical time. Furthermore the trustee shall absent him or herself from discussions of, and abstain from voting on, such matters under consideration by the Board of Trustees or its committees. The minutes of such meeting shall reflect that a disclosure was made and that the trustee having a conflict or possible conflict abstained from voting.

Any trustee who is uncertain whether a conflict of interest may exist in any matter may request the Board or committee to resolve the question in his or her absence by majority vote.

Each trustee shall complete and sign a disclosure form provided annually by the Secretary of the Board of Trustees.


The foregoing bylaws were amended by the Board of Trustees of McPherson College on July 15, 2006.

The foregoing bylaws were amended by the Board of Trustees of McPherson College on November 8, 2008.

The foregoing bylaws were amended by the Board of Trustees of McPherson College on November 6, 2009.

The foregoing bylaws were amended by the Board of Trustees of McPherson College on August 9, 2013.

FAC Appendix 02. Faculty Constitution

Constitution  of the Faculty of McPherson College

(As amended 13 March 2013)

Preamble : McPherson College faculty desire a shared governance structure informed by the college’s mission statement and the traditions of the Church of the Brethren. In particular, faculty want a governance structure that embodies:

1. simplicity – by clearly delineating channels of authority, responsibility, and representation;
2. community – by ensuring a free flow of information and respect for diversity of opinion, and
3. stewardship of faculty resources to promote teaching and scholarship – by distributing administrative tasks evenly and appropriately, in so far as possible, while considering individual interests and abilities.

To establish such a structure, Faculty Meeting does hereby ordain and establish this constitution for the faculty of McPherson College.


Article I: Membership

Section 1 : Voting members shall include all faculty members teaching at least one-half time holding the rank of instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, or professor and full-time college personnel holding academic rank.

Section 2 : Non-voting members shall include the President of the College and all other administrative personnel, campus minister, visiting instructors, and emeriti faculty. All non-voting members of the faculty may attend Faculty Meeting and discuss matters of interest to them.

Section 3 : Either voting or non-voting membership may be extended to any individual by majority vote of Faculty Meeting.


Article II: Meetings

Section 1 : Generally, Faculty Meeting will be held twice per month during the regular school year.

Section 2 : Meetings and other business of the faculty shall be conducted according to the latest revised edition of Robert – s Rules of Order.

Section 3 : Meetings may be called by the President, Chief Academic Officer, or by the Faculty Executive Committee. Individual members may submit requests for special meetings to the Faculty Executive Committee for consideration.

Section 4 : The Faculty Executive Committee assumes responsibility for Faculty Meeting agendas. Agendas posing items of business must be distributed to faculty at least 48 hours (excluding weekends and holidays) prior to the scheduled meeting. Informational meetings may be called on shorter notice and without distribution of an agenda.

Section 5 : A simple majority of voting members constitutes a quorum.

Section 6 : A simple majority of members present is required for passage of business items unless a higher percentage is stipulated by action of Faculty Meeting.

Section 7 : Any member may move that the specific faculty meeting move to a Closed Instructional Faculty session for discussion on any topic. With the approval of one third of the votes cast, the discussion will only be open to faculty holding academic rank and teaching half-time or more. During closed session, any member may move that the session be opened. With approval of two-thirds of votes cast, the session will be opened to both Instructional Faculty and Administrative Faculty.


Article III: Officers

Section 1 : Faculty Meeting officers are the Chair, the Secretary, and the Divisional Chairs.

Section 2 : The Faculty Chair presides at all regular and special Faculty Meetings and at all meetings of the Faculty Executive Committee. The Faculty Chair is elected for a one-year term. Re-election is not barred.

Section 3 : Divisional Chairs preside at their respective divisional meetings and serve on the Faculty Executive Committee. Chairs are elected by the voting faculty members of their respective divisions. Minimum qualifications for serving as Division Chair shall be tenured faculty at the Associate Professor or Professor level. Terms of service are three years, the divisions holding elections different years in order to preserve a rotation. Re-election is not barred. New division chairs shall be elected each spring at least one month prior to the date for full faculty elections.

Section 4 : Faculty Secretary keeps minutes of Faculty Meeting proceedings and distributes such minutes to all faculty members not later than 48 hours (excluding weekends and holidays) prior to the next meeting. Faculty Secretary is elected for a one-year term. Re-election is not barred.


Article IV: Committees

Section 1: Faculty Executive Committee shall consist of the Faculty Chair, Divisional Chairs, and the Chief Academic Officer.

Section 2 : Faculty Meeting shall provide standing committees to care for the principal responsibilities of the faculty – the curriculum and educational policies, the library and classroom instructional resources, and matters related to faculty personnel, including evaluation and promotion.

Section 3 : Faculty Executive Committee coordinates nominations and elections to standing committees and appointments to ad hoc committees or task forces. It oversees and evaluates all aspects of faculty governance.

Section 4 : A set of Bylaws shall detail the purposes, procedures, and charges of each standing committee.


Article V: Amendments

Section 1 : This Constitution may be amended by Faculty Meeting provided the amendment has been submitted to Faculty Executive Committee in writing and that it has been distributed at the previous Faculty Meeting.

Section 2 : A two-thirds vote of all voting members present is necessary to adopt an amendment.

FAC Appendix 03. Bylaws for FEC

Bylaws for Faculty Executive Committee

  • Name
    Faculty Executive Committee
  • Purpose
    To serve as a coordinating group for Faculty Meeting and faculty committees and functions; to monitor the flow of work among various levels of faculty organization, and to evaluate the effectiveness of faculty governance.
  • Composition of Committee Membership, Criteria for Selection
    Division chairs, chair of the faculty, Provost and Dean of the Faculty.
  • Terms and Process for Selection of Membership
    All members serve by virtue of office, as determined by Faculty Constitution. Committee reconstituted annually for terms May 1 to April 30. Lame duck members may be expected to serve in May for the sake of continuity and orientation of new members.
  • Committee Officers or Leadership
    Chaired by chair of faculty. In absence of the faculty chair, the senior division chair chairs meetings. Minutes and records provided for by the Provost and Dean of the Faculty.
  • Meeting Procedure
    Meetings will be held at the call of the chair as required for the timely handling of agendas. A quorum shall consist of no fewer than four of the five members. Decisions shall be by majority vote of those present. Minutes will be kept on all meetings and archived by the Provost and Dean of Faculty. Minutes of non-personnel matters shall be available to all faculty not later than 48 hours (excluding weekdays and holidays) prior to the next meeting of the committee. Minutes are to be made available either in hard copy in the office of the Provost and Dean of Faculty and / or on the Faculty Records Server.
  • Committee Charge – Responsibilities & Accountabilities
    1. Committee begins not later than May of prior academic year to plan fall faculty retreat.
    2. Plan and organize regular faculty meetings throughout the year and arrange for distribution of agendas and minutes.
    3. Serve as nominating committee for faculty committee positions for academic year following the year of its term of office; insure that committee loads are equitably distributed.
    4. By the beginning of the academic year for which the Committee will serve, determine which Division chair will serve as liaison to Educational Policies Committee, Faculty Policies Committee, and Instructional Resources Committee. Liaison will read minutes of committee and report major action items and upcoming issues relevant to faculty to FEC.
    5. Monitor workflow within the faculty committee structure, suggesting alternatives for revision of structure or process.
    6. Serve as clearinghouse for establishment of ad hoc faculty committees and task forces.
    7. As needed and appropriate, review and refer items from committees to full Faculty Meeting, from committee to committee (faculty or joint), or to administrative offices from faculty governance entities.
    8. Serve as recipient and processor of appeals from any committee to full Faculty Meeting; evaluate merits of request, allowing and planning the process for referral of any reasonable request to the Faculty Meeting.
    9. The Committee will determine which Division Chair will serve as liaison to each non-policy, college committee (including ad hoc committees) that has faculty members. Liaison will read minutes of committee and report major action items and issues relevant to faculty to FEC.
  • Reporting Relationships:
    This committee functions on behalf of Faculty Meeting and reports directly to it. As this committee serves primarily as a coordinating committee for the faculty governance process, no subcommittees report directly to it. Under special circumstances this committee may appoint ad hoc committees or task forces to carry out specific projects.
  • Appeal Process
    Any faculty member wishing to question policy or procedural recommendations or urge a broader hearing on such issues should make that wish known to the committee before its final action to the extent that the faculty member was aware in advance of the pending action. The FEC should weigh any such requests in its decision whether to initially craft the action as a recommendation to Faculty Meeting or not. Appeal to Faculty Meeting may be initialized by any academic department or, alternatively, by any group of not fewer than six faculty members that takes exception to any action of the committee which was not referred to Faculty Meeting. The department or group may lodge a request in writing to this Faculty Executive Committee that such issue or action be submitted to Faculty Meeting. Any such request shall not be reasonably refused.
  • Bylaw Amendment Process
    These bylaws may be changed through the following process:

    1. Job titles included in these bylaws may be updated by the Vice President for Academic Affairs on his or her own authority.
    2. Changes to these bylaws may be brought to the Faculty Executive Committee for a first reading and then acted upon at any subsequent meeting, provided the action item is announced in advance as an agenda item for that meeting.  Once approved by the Faculty Executive Committee, changes shall be forwarded to Faculty Meeting for final approval.
    3. Changes to these bylaws may also be initiated by Faculty Meeting. Bylaw changes may be brought to the Faculty Meeting for a first reading and then acted upon at any subsequent meeting, provided the action item is announced in advance as an agenda item for that meeting.


Approved by Faculty 18 April 1997
Updated by Faculty Meeting 7 December 2001
Amended by EPC 04 October 2004
Amendments approved by Faculty Meeting 21 October 2010

FAC Appendix 04. Bylaws for FRC

Bylaws for Faculty Review Committee

  1. Name
    Faculty Review Committee
  2. Purpose
    To advise and make recommendations to the President of the College on review and evaluation of faculty members for continued employment, promotion, tenure, and sabbatical leave. The committee also considers candidates for honorary degrees and faculty emerti status.
  3. Composition of Committee Membership, Criteria for Selection
    Provost and Dean of Faculty (without vote); three elected faculty members as division representatives, all with vote; one additional faculty member elected as a faculty at-large representative, with vote. Faculty committee members must be tenured and have the rank of associate professor or full professor. Gender representation among the voting members of the committee is required.
  4. Terms and Process for Selection of Membership
    Provost and Dean of Faculty, by virtue of office. Division representatives serve rotating three-year terms. The faculty at-large representative serves a four-year term. Division representatives are elected by full faculty from at least two nominees recommended by the appropriate division. The faculty at-large representative is elected by full faculty. Because requirements for membership to FRC are the most restrictive, election to FRC supersedes elected membership on any conflicting committee (FPC, EPC). In the event division elections result in a loss of gender representation, the faculty at-large position will be replaced through faculty elections for the remainder of the outgoing member’s term.
    A committee member(s) scheduled for promotion must be replaced by a new committee member for the year of promotion consideration. The election process to determine the replacement member will be the same as previously stated.
    A committee member scheduled for five-year post-tenure review will recuse her/himself from the discussion and documentation of the review. No replacement of that member is needed.
  5. Committee Officers or Leadership
    Provost and Dean of Faculty serves as chair and also arranges for minute taking and archiving.
  6. Meeting Procedure
    Meetings will be held as coordinated by the chair (dean), as required for the expeditious handling of required agendas. A quorum shall consist of the dean or his/her representative, plus three of the four elected faculty, provided all four faculty members are consulted in advance. Three affirmative votes are necessary for passage of a vote.Minutes will be kept on all meetings and archived by the dean. Minutes will be of two kinds and maintained in separate format: confidential and open. Minutes of discussions or actions on employment status of any faculty member will be strictly confidential, as will be minutes related to nomination of persons for honorary degrees. Minutes of any other nature will be regarded as open unless the committee expressly votes to the contrary on the grounds of personnel confidentiality. The open minutes for any given meeting shall be distributed to members of the faculty no later than one week following their final approval. Minutes are to be made available in hard copy in the office of the dean and distributed to the faculty electronically.
  7. Committee Charge – Responsibilities & Accountabilities
    1. Oversee the evaluation process according to policy-prescribed schedules and guidelines; make recommendations to the President regarding evaluation of faculty effectiveness and continuation of contracts.
    2. Make recommendations to the President for the granting of sabbatical leaves to individual faculty members based on approved policy and guidelines.
    3. Make recommendations to the President on promotion and tenure for individual faculty members based on approved policy and guidelines.
    4. Make recommendations to the President for the awarding of emeriti status.
    5. Consider candidates for honorary degrees and recommend such candidates to Faculty Meeting.
    6. At any time other than regular evaluation times, make recommendations to the President whenever concern arises about faculty effectiveness or discipline that has potential implications for, or impact on, the faculty member’s employment status.
  8. Reporting Relationships:
    Matters on which this Committee makes recommendations to Faculty Meeting:
    Candidates for honorary degrees
    Matters on which the Committee makes recommendations to the President:
    Performance evaluation of individual faculty members; promotion, tenure, sabbatical leave, and emeriti status decisions for individual faculty members.
    Committees or groups which make reports and/or recommendations to this Committee:
    Grievance Committee to the extent of its involvement in faculty personnel issues.
  9. Appeal Process
    Appeals of specific employment related decisions:
    If any faculty member takes exception to a recommendation of this Committee regarding that faculty member’s employment status, or wishes to question the basis for recommendations, s/he may lodge a request in writing to that effect by delivering that request to the Provost and Dean of Faculty. The Committee will then schedule a mutually suitable time for dialog with the faculty member within 21 days of the request. At his/her own election, the faculty member may bring one other faculty member or staff to the meeting. Following such meeting the Committee may reconsider its recommendation, gather new information, or reiterate its former position.
  10. Bylaw Amendment Process
    These bylaws may be changed through the following process:
    A.  Job titles included in these bylaws may be updated by the Vice President for Academic Affairs on his or her own authority.
    B.  Changes to these bylaws may be brought to the Faculty Review Committee for a first reading and then acted upon at any subsequent meeting, provided the action item is announced in advance as an agenda item for that meeting.  Once approved by the Faculty Review Committee, changes shall be forwarded to Faculty Meeting for final approval.
    C.  Changes to these bylaws may also be initiated by Faculty Meeting. Bylaw changes may be brought to the Faculty Meeting for a first reading and then acted upon at any subsequent meeting, provided the action item is announced in advance as an agenda item for that meeting.

Approved by Faculty Meeting 15 February 2007
Approved by Board of Trustees 02 March 2007
Amendments approved by Faculty Meeting 21 October 2010

FAC Appendix 05. Bylaws for FPC

Bylaws for Faculty Policies Committee

  1. Name
    Faculty Policies Committee
  2. Purpose
    To advise and make recommendations to the Faculty or to the Chief Academic Officer on matters of policy concerning faculty personnel, faculty hiring, sabbaticals, faculty evaluation and promotion, faculty compensation, and on other such matters as the CAO may request.
  3. Composition of Committee Membership, Criteria for Selection
    Chief Academic Officer, without vote. Three elected faculty members, all with vote. One division chair, ex officio, without vote, as liaison from Faculty Executive Committee (liaison will review minutes but will not be required to attend).
  4. Terms and Process for Selection of Membership
    Chief Academic Officer, by virtue of office. Division chair liaison, selected annually by Faculty Executive Committee. Elected faculty members serve three-year terms, one member elected each year by division. Re-election is not barred. Terms run for academic year, July 1 to June 30.
  5. Leadership
    Chief Academic Officer serves as chair and also arranges for minute-taking and archiving.
  6. Meeting Procedure
    Meetings will be held as coordinated by the chair. A quorum shall consist of the Chief Academic Officer or the CAO’s designee plus two of the three elected faculty. Decisions shall be made by majority vote of the three voting members. Minutes will be kept on all meetings and archived by the CAO. The minutes of any given meeting shall be available from the CAO’s office upon request, following their final approval.
  7. Committee Charge – Responsibilities & Accountabilities
    1. Review Faculty Handbook on a regular schedule and keep it current.
    2. Recommend to the Faculty policies and procedures for the faculty hiring process and periodically review the implementation and effectiveness of same.
    3. Recommend to the Faculty policies to guide the practice of faculty evaluation.
    4. Recommend to the Faculty policies to guide the granting of sabbatical leave for faculty members.
    5. Recommend to the Faculty policies to guide the granting of tenure and promotion.
    6. Prepare an annual written report and presentation to Faculty Meeting on the status of faculty salaries and benefits.  This report should include distribution of the salary schedule and comparative information on McPherson College salaries and benefits relative to state and national norms. When justified, recommend to Faculty and the President  revised compensation policies and salary plan structures.
  8. Reporting Relationships
    Matters on which this Committee makes recommendations to the Faculty:

    • Policy guidelines on faculty promotion, tenure, and evaluation.
    • Other policies necessary to keep the Faculty Handbook current.

    Matters on which the Committee makes recommendations to the President:

    • Faculty salary plan structure or periodic modifications thereof.

    Committees or groups that make reports and/or recommendations to this Committee:

    • Ad hoc or standing committees this Faculty Policies Committee deems necessary to carry out its charge.
  9. Appeal Process
    • Appeals of policy recommendations :
      Appeal to Faculty Meeting may be initiated by any academic department or, alternatively, by any group of not fewer than six faculty members that takes exception to any action of this committee that was not referred to Faculty Meeting. The department or group may lodge a request in writing to the Faculty Executive Committee that such issue or action be submitted to Faculty Meeting. Any such request shall not be unreasonably refused by the Faculty Executive Committee.

Revised by FPC November 2015
Approved by Faculty Meeting 02 December 2015
Revised by FPC 31 August 2017

FAC Appendix 06. Bylaws for EPC

Bylaws for Educational Policies Committee

  1. Name
    Educational Policies Committee
  2. Purpose
    To propose academic policy and to oversee curriculum and the quality of the academic program. To make recommendations accordingly to either the President or the Faculty Meeting as specified below.
  3. Composition of Committee Membership, Criteria for Selection
    Provost and Dean of Faculty by virtue of office (with vote)
    Three faculty members representing all academic divisions (with vote)
    One representative of the Teacher Education program (with vote)
    One student (with vote)
    One Division Chair ex officio as liaison from Faculty Executive Committee (without vote-not required to attend)
    Two ex officio members without vote: Associate Academic Dean (Registrar) and College Librarian.
  4. Terms and Process for Selection of Membership
    Provost and Dean of Faculty and all ex officios by virtue of office. Faculty representatives for three-year terms, one elected each year by division. Teacher Education representative elected annually by Teacher Education Committee. Student representative recommended annually by Student Government Association for approval by President. Division chair liaison as determined annually by the Faculty Executive Committee. Re-election is not barred for any position. Terms run for the academic year, July 1 to June 30.
  5. Committee Officers or Leadership
    The committee shall annually elect a chair from among its elected faculty membership. The Provost and Dean of Faculty shall act as executive secretary for the committee.
  6. Meeting Procedure
    Meetings will be held at the call of the chair, on such schedule as required for expeditious handling of required agendas. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the membership entitled to vote . Decisions shall be made by majority vote of those present. Minutes will be kept on all meetings and archived by the Provost and Dean of Faculty. Minutes will be open and available to all faculty no later than 48 hours (excluding weekends and holidays) prior to the next meeting of the committee. Minutes are to be made available either in hard copy in the office of the Provost and Dean of Faculty or posted electronically for faculty.
  7. Committee Charge – Responsibilities & Accountabilities
    1. Approve new courses or substantive changes in courses.
    2. Approve additions, alterations or deletions to/of programs of study.
    3. Approve individualized interdisciplinary programs.
    4. Review and approve basic academic calendar and course schedule.
    5. Interpret existing academic policy, recommending new policy as appropriate.
    6. Recommend changes in academic requirement – e.g., general education curriculum or graduation requirements.
    7. Recommend addition or deletion of academic departments.
  8. Reporting Relationships
    With respect to accountabilities VII.A-E. above, the Committee may act as a final recommendation to the President unless specific appeal is taken to Faculty Meeting.

    With respect to accountabilities VII.F-G. above, the Committee shall take actions as recommendations to the Faculty Meeting, which in turn will recommend to the President.

    Committees or groups which report and/or recommend to this Committee: Teacher Education Board

    Other ad hoc Committees which may be created from time to time to expedite the work of EPC

    Other Faculty Advisory or Joint Committees falling within the scope of this committee’s responsibility

  9. Appeal Process
    Any academic department or group of six or more faculty members may appeal any action of EPC not submitted to Faculty Meeting. The department or group shall request in writing that Faculty Executive Committee take such issue or action to Faculty Meeting. [Faculty Executive Committee shall not refuse any reasonable request.]
  10. Bylaw Amendment Process
    These bylaws may be changed through the following process:

A.  Job titles included in these bylaws may be updated by the Vice President for Academic Affairs on his or her own authority.

B.  Changes to these bylaws may be brought to the Educational Policies Committee for a first reading and then acted upon at any subsequent meeting, provided the action item is announced in advance as an agenda item for that meeting.  Once approved by the Educational Policies Committee, changes shall be forwarded to Faculty Meeting for final approval.

C.  Changes to these bylaws may also be initiated by Faculty Meeting. Bylaw changes may be brought to the Faculty Meeting for a first reading and then acted upon at any subsequent meeting, provided the action item is announced in advance as an agenda item for that meeting.


Approved by Faculty 18 April 1997
Updated by Faculty Meeting 7 December 2001
Amended by EPC 04 October 2004
Amendments approved by Faculty Meeting 21 October 2010

FAC Appendix 07. Bylaws for Teacher Education

Appendix A – Teacher Education Board Bylaws

  1. Name
    Teacher Education Board
  2. Purpose of Teacher Education Board
    To foster and sustain a quality professional education program at McPherson College by maintaining curricular accountability and by ensuring admission of quality to the program; in turn, to contribute to quality in the educational profession at large.
  3. Composition and Terms of TEB Membership and Criteria for Selection
    1. Voting members shall include:
      1. Department Chair, also serving as Unit Head.
      2. Faculty who teach half time or more in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction undergraduate courses.
      3. One representative from each Division of the College, including a representative of Social Science in addition to Department of Curriculum & Instruction faculty
      4. Two students representing the McPherson College student body. One student will be seeking endorsement in elementary education.  One student will be seeking endorsement in secondary education or at the K-12 level.
      5. One representative from area public schools, representing K-12 constituents
      6. The College Registrar, as the officer who finalizes graduation clearance and who serves on Educational Policies Committee
    2. Ex-officio members may include all part-time faculty of the Department of Curriculum & Instruction
    3. Faculty representatives 1 & 2 are expected to:
      Demonstrate an active interest in the procedures and curriculum of the Teacher Education Program of McPherson College; demonstrate an active interest in procedures, curriculum, and instructional development associated with K-12 schools; have a pattern of responsible Undergraduate Council involvement.
    4. Representative from each Division 3 are expected to:
      The representatives from each division will report to their respective divisions immediately after each Teacher Education Board meeting.  This report will include all business and discussion items, excluding items in executive session.  In turn, the representatives will report to Teacher Education Board any relevant discussion or decisions from division meetings.
    5. The Student representatives 4 are expected to:
      Demonstrate to the Department of Curriculum & Instruction an interest in the procedures and curriculum of the Teacher Education Program of McPherson College; demonstrate an active interest in procedures, curriculum, and instructional development associated with K-12 schools; demonstrate to the Department of Curriculum & Instruction a reputation of perception and maturity that will ensure fairness and confidentiality in sensitive matters; be of good academic standing at McPherson College.
    6. The Public School representative 5 is expected to:
      Demonstrate to the Department of Curriculum & Instruction an interest in the procedures and curriculum of the Teacher Education Program of McPherson College; demonstrate an active interest in the procedures, curriculum, and instructional development associated with K-12 schools; have past or present experience of working with the Teacher Education Program of McPherson College.
    7. Membership appointments on the Teacher Education Board are for one year. The TEB shall be reconstituted each year in August at the beginning of the academic year.
  4. IProcess for Selection of Membership
    1. Members identified in Section III above as A-1, 2 and 6 all serve by virtue of position.
    2. Members A-, 3, 4 and 5 are appointed by the President of the College upon recommendation of the Chief Academic Officer and the Chair of the Department of Curriculum & Instruction, who in turn shall have consulted with representatives of the respective constituencies as well as with fellow Department of Curriculum & Instruction faculty.
  5. Undergraduate Council Officers or Leadership
    1. The permanent Chair of the TEB shall be the Chair of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction and serve as the Unit Head. In the absence of the Chair at any meeting, an Acting Chair for the meeting shall be chosen from and by the members present.
    2. The Administrative Assistant for the Department of Curriculum and Instruction shall serve as the Secretary for the Board. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings and distribute them to members of the Board not later than the beginning of the next meeting.
  6. Meeting Procedures
    1. An initial meeting shall be called by the Chair within the first two weeks of the fall semester. A regular meeting schedule shall be established at that meeting.
    2. Meeting procedure shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order unless expressly altered by majority vote of the Board. A quorum must be present before voting decisions can be made. A quorum is defined as a simple majority of members. All deliberations dealing with individual students, or with any matter of a personnel nature, including admission to the program and/or student teaching, shall be conducted in executive session.
    3. In all decisional matters possible, consensus will be sought. However, after discussion, vote shall be shown in the record for all decisions.
    4. All minutes of the Board other than those of executive sessions shall be available to each faculty member who serves as an advisor to a student in the Teacher Education Program upon request.
  7. Undergraduate Council Charge – Responsibilities & Accountabilities
    1. To consider any proposed policy for the Department of Curriculum & Instruction or the Teacher Education Program. No Departmental or Program policy will be considered effective until approved by the Board. Policy changes may be proposed by the Department or by any Board member as a representative of his/her particular constituency.
    2. To consider for approval any change in a course or in curricular structure at McPherson College which holds potential to affect compliance with accreditation standards for any program in Teacher Education. Proposals may come directly from departments or instructors, or they may be referred from Educational Policies Committee when screening by that committee raises question about the impact of a proposed change on Teacher Education.
    3. To approve all applications to the Teacher Education Program. (See the “Admissions and Procedures in Teacher Education” section of the McPherson College Teacher Education Advisor/Advisee Handbook.)
    4. To screen all candidates for student teaching and to approve all qualified applicants prior to their placement in a K-12 school assignment. (See the “Admissions and Procedures in Teacher Education” section of the McPherson College Teacher Education Advisor/Advisee Handbook.)
    5. To serve as the first step of an appeal process by which undergraduate students may seek review of any Department of Curriculum & Instruction decision or Teacher Education Board decision that affects the status or standing of the student. (See addendum to these bylaws for the procedure for this appeal process.)
  8. Reporting Relationships
    1. But for appeals which may arise under guidelines set out in section VII-D above, the Board shall be the source of final decision for matters set forth above in sections VII-A and VII-C.
    2. Upon approval by Board, matters specified in section VII-B shall be referred by the Board to next appropriate body in the approval sequence. In the normal course of events, this will be the Division appropriate to the course or curricular change.  Any time it is determined that there is a potential impact on compliance with Teacher Education Program accreditation standards by a course or curricular change, approval by the Teacher Education Board is a prerequisite to final consideration of the proposal by the Educational Policies Committee.
  9. Student Appeal Process
    1. Purpose of Procedure
      To provide a due process review and appeal mechanism for students who question any decision made with respect to their admission to, or satisfactory progress in, the Teacher Education Program at McPherson College.
    2. Issues Subject to Appeal
      1. Reasons (other than GPA or test scores) given for denial of admission to the Teacher Education Program at McPherson College.
      2. Reasons (other than GPA or test scores) given for refusal to authorize placement in student teaching.
      3. Suspension of the student teaching experience.
    3. Steps in the Appeal Process
      1. Within ten school days after notice of the adverse decision, student must request, in writing submitted to the Chair, a hearing with the Board (or rehearing if the decision appealed was previously made by this Board). The request shall contain the following information:
        1. Student Name
        2. Precise statement of major, and of minors if any
        3. Any other pertinent personal demographic data
        4. The specific issue on which rehearing is requested, the reason for the request, and as much extended rationale as deemed necessary by the appealing student.
        5. Included with the above rationale shall be evidence that the student has consulted with Department of Curriculum & Instruction faculty, major field advisor, and any other college official who has a role in the matter as an advisor or counselor to the student. To the extent possible, this information should be in the form of original documentation or correspondence.  To the extent that is not available, the appealing student should provide summaries of relevant conversations.
      2. After the above information has been submitted, the Board shall meet with the student at a time mutually agreeable. The student may make a presentation to the Board, or the Board may question the student or initiate conversation with the student, as may be agreed at the time the meeting is scheduled.  The Board may excuse the student to make its decision on the request for hearing/rehearing.  The Board may defer its decision to a subsequent meeting if it elects to search out further information. The decision will be distributed to the student in writing (traditional and/or electronic).
      3. If the decision of the Teacher Education Board is not acceptable to the student, s/he may appeal the decision to the Chief Academic Officer (CAO). Such appeal shall be in writing and shall be made within five school days of receipt of notice of the decision of the Board.  The information stipulated in section A above shall be provided with the appeal.  The CAO, at his/her option, may consult with the Educational Policies Committee in the course of reaching a decision.
      4. If the decision of the CAO is not acceptable to the student, s/he may appeal to the President of the College, to be submitted in writing within five school days of receipt of notice of the CAO’s decision. Included with the appeal shall be the same documentary information as set forth in section C  The decision of the President will constitute final disposition of the appealed action.
      5. In the event a student either fails to appeal any decision within prescribed time limits, or comes to the end of the appeal process with a decision that limits his/her continued participation in the program, that student’s singular option for seeking continued status in the Program is to initiate a re-application.
    4. Steps in the Appeal Process for Inadequate C-BASE Scores
      1. Student must submit a formal written request to the Chair of the Education Undergraduate Program. The request shall contain the following information:
        1. Student Name
        2. Precise statement of major, and of minors if any
        3. Any other pertinent personal demographic data
        4. Any specific rational for why she/he should be allowed to student teach without adequate test scores.
        5. Included with the above rationale shall be evidence that the student has consulted with Curriculum & Instruction Department faculty, major field advisor, and any other college official who has a role in the matter as an advisor or counselor to the student. To the extent possible, this information should be in the form of original documentation or correspondence.
        6. Also included in the rationale, student must submit a plan for remediation in the area(s) of inadequacies.
        7. Minimum of three written letters from qualified professionals, supporting the student’s appeal.
      2. After the above information has been submitted, the Board shall meet with the student at a time mutually agreeable. The student may make a presentation to the Board, or the Board may question the student or initiate conversation with the student, as may be agreed at the time the meeting is scheduled.  The Board may excuse the student to make its decision.  The Board may defer its decision to subsequent meeting if it elects to search out further information. The Board’s decision will be distributed to the student in writing (traditional and/or electronic)
      3. If the decision is not acceptable to the student, s/he may appeal the decision to the CAO. At that time the same procedures as outlined in sections C-E of the Appeal Process in Section IV may be followed.
  10. Amendments; Caveats
    These Bylaws may be changed or amended through the following process:

    1. The proposed amendment shall be brought to the Teacher Education Board for first reading, and may then be acted upon at any subsequent meeting provided the action item is announced in advance as an agenda item for that meeting.
    2. Once approved by the Teacher Education Board, amendments shall be forwarded to the Educational Policies Committee for final approval.
    3. Nothing in section VIII, or in this section, IX, shall be construed as impairing the prerogative of College Administration to exercise final approval of policies or decisions as may be set forth elsewhere in college policy.

FAC Appendix 08. Bylaws for GEC

Bylaws for General Education Committee

  1. Name
    General Education Committee
  2. Purpose
    To propose general education policy and to oversee curriculum and the quality of the general education program. To make recommendations accordingly to the Educational Policies Committee as specified below.
  3. Composition of Committee Membership, Criteria for Selection
    Three faculty members representing academic divisions (with vote), one additional faculty member elected as a faculty at-large representative, with vote.
    One student (with vote)
    One ex officio member with vote: VPAA or the VPAA’s designee.
    Two ex officio members without vote: Registrar and Director of Assessment.
  4. Terms and Process for Selection of Membership
    Division representatives serve rotating three-year terms. The faculty at-large representative serves a four-year term. Division representatives are elected by divisions.  The faculty at-large representative is elected by full faculty. The Student representative is recommended annually by Student Government Association for approval by VPAA. Re-election is not barred for any position. Terms run for the academic year, July 1 to June 30.
  5. Committee Officers or Leadership
    The committee shall annually elect a chair from among its elected faculty membership. The VPAA or VPAAs designee shall act as executive secretary for the committee.
  6. Meeting Procedure
    Meetings will be held at the call of the chair, on such schedule as required for expeditious handling of required agendas. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the membership entitled to vote. Decisions shall be made by majority vote of those present, with the chair voting in cases of tied votes. Minutes will be kept on all meetings and archived by the VPAA. Minutes will be open and available to all faculty no later than 48 hours (excluding weekends and holidays) prior to the next meeting of the committee. Minutes and supporting documents are to be made available either in hard copy in the office of the VPAA or posted electronically for faculty.
  7. Committee Charge – Responsibilities & Accountabilities
    1. Supervise creation and revision of General Education SLOs.
    2. Approve/disapprove applications for courses seeking to qualify as general education.
    3. Oversee creation and revision of assessment criteria.
    4. Review general education renewal documents.
    5. Review courses approved for general education to ensure that they meet program goals.
    6. Collaborate with Director of Assessment to oversee assessment of the general education program.
    7. Collaborate with registrar to determine if an adequate number of general education offerings are available, report findings to EPC.
    8. Conduct review of general education SLOs and recommend revisions to EPC.
    9. Conduct continuous review of the general education program and recommend changes to EPC.
    10. Interpret existing general education policy and make recommendations to EPC.
  8. Reporting Relationships
    The Chair of GEC will report committee activities and decisions to EPC once per month. Additional reports may be made at the request of the Chair of EPC or the Chair of GEC.With respect to accountabilities VII.A-F above, the committee may act on its own authority.With respect to accountabilities VII.G-j. above, the Committee shall take actions as recommendations to EPC.
  9. Appeal Process
    Any academic department or group of six or more faculty members may appeal any action of GEC not submitted to EPC. The department or group shall request in writing that EPC take up the issue.  EPC decisions are binding for GEC.
  10. Bylaw Amendment Process
    These bylaws may be changed through the following process:

    1. Job titles included in these bylaws may be updated by the Vice President for Academic Affairs on his or her own authority.
    2. Changes to these bylaws may be brought to the Educational Policies Committee for a first reading and then acted upon at any subsequent meeting, provided the action item is announced in advance as an agenda item for that meeting.  Once approved by the Educational Policies Committee, changes shall be forwarded to Faculty Meeting for final approval.
    3. Changes to these bylaws may also be initiated by Faculty Meeting. Bylaw changes may be brought to the Faculty Meeting for a first reading and then acted upon at any subsequent meeting, provided the action item is announced in advance as an agenda item for that meeting.


FAC Appendix 09. Bylaws for Intercollegiate Athletics Committee

  1. Name
    Intercollegiate Athletics Committee (IAC)
  2. Purpose
    IAC is responsible for reviewing and approving additions and/or alterations to the McPherson College Intercollegiate Athletic Program.
  3. Composition of Committee Membership
    Faculty Athletic Representative (FAR) (chair)
    Three faculty members representing all academic divisions
    Athletic Director
    Associate Academic Dean (Registrar)
    Two Student Representatives
    Representative from the Coaching Staff
    Director of Athletic Operations (ex-officio)
  4. Terms and Process for Selection of Membership
    The Faculty Athletic Representative (FAR) will serve as chair of the committee. Faculty members will be appointed by the Faculty Executive Committee. Student Government Association will select one student member. The Athletic Director will appoint a coach and student-athlete. The student-athlete should represent gender balance between student membership.
  5. Committee Officers or Leadership
    The Director of Athletic Operations will serve as secretary.
  6. Meeting Procedure
    Meetings will be held as coordinated by the chair. A quorum shall consist of at least half of the committee membership. Decisions shall be made by a majority vote of the members. Minutes will be kept on all meetings and archived by the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
  7. Committee Charge—Responsibilities and Accountabilities
    1. Recommend policies and procedures to ensure the welfare of student-athletes.
    2. Approve additions or substantive changes to the athletic program.
    3. Review additions, alterations or deletions of athletic policies, regulations, and scheduling that falls outside the published guidelines.
    4. Interpret existing academic and athletic policies, recommending new policy as needed.
  8. Reporting Relationships:
    Committee reports to EPC
    Each representative will report to their respective groups
  9. Appeal Process
    Any student-athlete, team, or coach wishing to question policy or resource recommendations or urge a broader hearing on such issues should first make that wish known to the Committee. This must be a written statement submitted to the Faculty Athletic Representative. Upon receipt of the formalized appeal, the FAR will either meet with the appealing party(ies) and/or present the information to the IAC committee if necessary.


Revised, May 2011

FAC Appendix 10. Bylaws For Institutional Assessment Committee

Institutional Assessment Committee (IA)

To support and cultivate a culture of assessment leading to improved professional practice and enhanced student learning

Composition of Committee Membership, Criteria for Selection: 
Chief Academic Officer by virtue of office-ex officio (without vote) 
Three faculty members representing all academic divisions (with vote) 
Three unit member representatives (with vote) One student (with vote) Director of Institutional Assessment and Academic Compliance (with vote).

Terms and Process for Selection of Membership: Director of Institutional Assessment and Academic Compliance by virtue of office. Faculty and unit representatives serve for a rotating three-year term as invited and accepted by the current assessment committee. The aim is for no more than one faculty representative and one unit representative to rotate off the committee per academic year. Student representatives will be recommended annually by Student Government Association for approval and recommendation by assessment committee. Re-recommendation is not barred for any position. Terms typically run from May 1 to April 30.

Committee Officers or Leadership: 
 Director of Institutional Assessment and Academic Compliance will serve as chair. An assessment committee member will act as secretary for the committee.

Meeting Procedure: 
Meetings will be held at the call of the chair, on such schedule as required for expeditious handling of required agendas. Decisions shall be made by majority vote of committee members. Notes will be kept on all meetings. Notes will be open and available to all faculty/staff upon request.

Committee Charge – Responsibilities & Accountabilities

  1. Monitor assessment system effectiveness and recommend improvements through proper avenues
  2. Administer and/or assist with institutional assessments on a regular basis
  3. Aggregate and share reports with appropriate stakeholders data-Chair or Chair’s designee
  4. Ensure feedback and proper distribution of assessment data to appropriate stakeholders
  5. Monitor preparation and review the annual institutional and program level assessment reports as necessary
  6. Make recommendations for improvement of institution-wide programs
  7. Prepare reports as requested for strategic planning
  8. Assist in facilitating the institutional accreditation process
  9. Evaluate and provide feedback regarding department and unit assessment reports
  10. Monitor, prepare, and review other reports when required/requested

Reporting Relationships: 
The committee chair reports to the Chief Academic Officer and provides recommendations to other institutional offices and college personnel as needed.   Institutional assessment components deemed appropriate for campus-wide reporting will be determined by the assessment committee and shared with the Chief Academic Officer.

Appeal Process

Any faculty/staff member wishing to question policy or committee recommendations or urge a broader hearing on such issues should first make that wish known to the committee. In the event the faculty/staff member and/or the committee feel further action is required, the Chief Academic Officer will be consulted and the appropriate referral made to institutional governing bodies according to institutional policy.

Amendment Process

Bylaws may be changed through the following process:

Job titles included in these bylaws may be updated by the Chief Academic Officer upon his/her authority or by the assessment committee upon its own authority.

Changes to these bylaws may be brought to the assessment committee for a first reading and then acted upon at any subsequent meeting, provided the action item is announced at least 48 hours in advance as an agenda item.  The assessment committee shall review suggestions and vote on changes for final approval.

FAC Appendix 11. Bylaws for IRB

Bylaws for Institutional Review Board

  1. Name
    Institutional Review Board
  2. Purpose
    To review research studies and ensure that the well-being of research participants, researchers, and the institution is appropriately safeguarded.
  3. Composition of Committee Membership, Criteria for Selection
    From 3 – 5 persons appointed by the college. Each review board must include at least one person trained in the methodology used by the research proposal under review.
  4. Terms and Process for Selection of Membership
    The Chair of IRB will be appointed each year by the Academic Dean. The Chair will have a 1 year term of office that may be repeated. Other members will be appointed on an ad hoc basis as proposal review is needed.
  5. Committee Officers or Leadership
    In addition to the Chair, a Secretary will be selected within the committee to maintain minutes.
  6. Meeting Procedure
    Meetings will be held as coordinated by the chair, as required for the handling of reviews. A quorum shall consist of a majority of those appointed to the committee, provided that at least one member trained in the use of the relevant methodology is present. Decisions shall be made by a majority vote of the members. Minutes will be kept on all meetings and archived by the Dean.
  7. Committee Charge – Responsibilities and Accountabilities
    Oversight of research involving human and animal subjects at McPherson College
  8. Reporting Relationships:
    The IRB reports to the Provost.
  9. Appeal Process
    Appeals to the decisions of IRB shall be made to the Provost.

FAC Appendix 12. Faculty Evaluation Rubric

Click here to open Appendix (PDF)

FAC Appendix 13. Guidelines for IRB

McPherson College Institutional Review Board Guidelines for Research

Purpose of the Institutional Review Board (IRB)
The Institutional Review Board is charged with the responsibility of reviewing research studies and ensuring that the well-being of both researchers and research participants is appropriately safeguarded.

Application Process
What study plans must be reviewed?
Not all research studies must go through the full review process. Review is not required for research using historical documents or pre-collected data. Some research can be approved by means of an expedited review process. Research dealing with sensitive topics, using innovative methodology, using human or animal subjects, or involving vulnerable subjects is required to go through the full review process.

What is the nature of the review?
There are two types of review.

  1. Full Review by all members of IRB. Full review is required for all research involving greater than minimal risk to subjects. In addition, full review is required for all research involving vulnerable or “captive” subjects. Examples of vulnerable populations would include children, the elderly, or psychiatric patients. Examples of captive subjects would include animals, prisoners, and students in a classroom setting. The following is required in the application process when a full review is warranted:
    1. Risks to subjects are fully explained, have been minimized as much as possible, and are reasonable in relation to anticipated benefits, if any, to subjects; and the proposal explains how the study adds to the body of knowledge.
    2. In the case of animals, the scientific purpose of the research is sufficient to justify the use of animals.
    3. Procedures are in place to assure the proper care and humane treatment of animals (if more humane alternative procedures are available, the Review Board should require that they be used).
    4. Informed consent of human subjects will be appropriately documented.
    5. Selection of subjects is justified and follows the good practice of the discipline.
    6. Informed consent will be sought from each potential human subject or that subject’s legal guardian. Informed consent will be documented. The documentation and data should be maintained by the department for a period of one year.
    7. The proposal has a provision for monitoring data collected to ensure safety of the subjects.
    8. Adequate provisions to protect the confidentiality or anonymity of subject’s identity are in place.
    9. Adequate provisions for maintaining the confidentiality of data are in place.
  2. Expedited review by the chair and one member of the committee. Expedited review is provided for research that involves no more than minimal risk to subjects or for review of minor changes in previously approved research projects. Expedited review can be requested when the risks are minimal, selection of subjects is in accordance with good practice as identified by the profession, informed consent of humans will be obtained and will be appropriately documented, and safeguards are in place to maintain the confidentiality or anonymity of subjects.

Who does the review?
Each Institutional Review Board will be composed of 3-5 persons appointed by the college. For each proposal, the board must include one person trained in the methodology to be used, and one member must be from outside the discipline. The faculty project advisor may not sit on the board.

Steps of the review process.

  1. The student researcher contacts the chair of the committee to pick up the research proposal application.
  2. The student researcher prepares the application and schedules an appointment with the review board. In general, the committee should receive the application one week prior to the meeting.
  3. The student researcher and the faculty project advisor meet with the board. The student researcher is asked to provide a brief overview of the project. Members of the board may ask questions of the researcher or the advisor.
  4. The IRB will respond in writing to the student researcher and the faculty project advisor within one week hours of the meeting.

Decisions of the Institutional Review Board.
The IRB can reach one of three conclusions in relation to a research project application. These decisions are:

  1. Full Approval.
    Members of the board approve the project as presented without stipulations.
  2. Conditional Approval.
    The proposal is approved with stipulations that is, members of IRB approve the project contingent upon the recommended changes. Should a problem or problems be identified, the board may award only conditional approval contingent upon specific ethical or methodological changes identified by the board. If changes are deemed important but not essential to the proposal, the researcher need submit only a corrected proposal to the chair of the committee, who may approve the revised proposal. Should the changes be deemed important and significant, the chair of the board may approve the revised proposal after consultation with the whole committee.
  3. Project Denial.
    Should the members of IRB determine that there are serious ethical or methodological problems with a proposal, it can refuse to approve the project. Should a project be denied, the researcher and the faculty advisor will be informed of the reasons for denial. Should the board conditionally approve a proposal or deny a proposal, the student researcher can request an additional meeting with the board for reconsideration.


Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Name of Student or Faculty Researcher(s): ______________________________________

Name of Faculty Project Advisor: ____________________________________________

Date of application _____________________________

Title of Project/Proposal: _________________________________________________

Funding Agency (if applicable):

Decision of the Institutional Review Board:

Date of decision: ___________________________

_____ Full Approval _____ Conditional Approval.
Reasons for conditional approval:

_____ Project Denied.
Reasons for denial:

Institutional Review Board Application Check List

_____ Completed and Signed Application Form
_____ Copy of Research Proposal
_____ Consent Form and Cover Letter (if applicable)
_____ Copy of Instruments/Questionnaires
_____ Copy of Protocol (if needed)
_____ Letter of Approval of Outside Agency (should data be collected external to the college)

Institutional Review Board Reviewer’s Evaluation Sheet

Project/Proposal Title:

Student Researcher:

Type of Review: _____ full review _____ expedited review

Consent Form: _____ approve without correction _____ approve with correction _____ not approved; needs to be re-written and re-submitted _____ not applicable

Methodology/: _____ approve without correction

Procedures _____ approve with correction _____ not approved; needs to be re-written and re-submitted

Instruments/ _____ approve without correction

Questionnaires _____ approve with correction _____ not approved; needs to be re-written and re-submitted _____ not applicable

Risks to Subjects: _____ no risk to subjects (Human or _____ minimal risks Animal) _____ risks more than minimal; appropriate safeguards in place _____ risks more than minimal; appropriate safeguards not in place

Other Problems with Proposal:

_____ full approval
_____ conditional approval
_____ project denial

Reasons for Conditional Approval:

Reasons for Denial:

Meeting Date:


Reviewer’s Signature (Approved by EPC on 12/09/08)