
Your computer has been Quarantined
either for a reported
Copyright infringement or
for excessive outgoing traffic

Violation of Copyright laws is not tolerated at McPherson College.Excessive outgoing traffic from student computers is normally a result of the existance of file sharing software (BitTorrent, Limewire, Ares, …) on the computer that permits off-campus parties to download files from that computer.

Your computer has been Quarantined to stop illegal uploads of Copyrighted material from your computer. While it is Quarantined, your computer can only connect to on-campus servers and to servers hosted at ACCK.

You can regain Internet access by uninstalling the file sharing software, and if you were notified of a Copyright infringement you must also remove the infringed Copyrighted material from your computer. After removing them, you can contact Computer Services to get your Internet access reinstated.

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