Employment Policies

//Employment Policies

2.18 Employees in College Housing

Because employee housing affects the college’s annual budget and housing for students is a priority, the VP for Finance/CFO will make the final determination on all employee-housing decisions on behalf of the college.  Housing as a part of an employee’s compensation package is set on a certain salary requirement, which is determined by the VP for Finance/CFO.  Finally, college housing as a part of an employee compensation package cannot be offered to an applicant until approved by the VP for Finance/CFO.  Student Affairs will make the initial housing assignment with final approval by the VP for Finance/CFO.


Certain housing will be held for use by employees who meet the salary criteria. Exceptions can be made by the VP for Finance/CFO. If a department wishes to offer short-term housing to an employee who does not meet the requirements, the department will be charged rent to compensate for the lost revenue.


Employees who live in campus housing as part of their compensation package will sign the Staff and Faculty Housing Form located on the college’s intranet site, Employee and Student Employee Forms:

https://wwwi.mcpherson.edu/human-resources/hr-forms/  The signed copy will be kept in the college’s business office.


Prior to the acceptance of the position, the applicant will understand the financial implications of accepting college housing as part of their compensation package. Acceptance of college housing may impact the new employee’s annual taxable wage.  The new employee’s supervisor will inform the new employee of that impact and the director of HR will confirm it during the new employee’s new employee orientation.

Currently enrolled McPherson College students are prohibited in any faculty or staff campus housing space between the hours of 10pm through 8am daily.


Housing for an employee is not a guarantee with college employment and is subject to change.  Housing assignments including locations may change at the discretion of the college.  Housing renewals will be reviewed annually by the VP for Finance/CFO.


The college reserves the right to cancel an employee’s college housing at any time with a seven (7) day written notice.  The failure by said Resident to co-habit reasonably is a reason for termination of an employee’s housing contract by the college, as it is the responsibility for each resident is to co-exist respectfully with assigned roommates.





2.17 Exempt Staff with Teaching Duties

McPherson College exempt staff may be asked during the course of their employment to teach up to two (2) courses per academic semester as a part of their regular position with the college. Teaching may not be considered additional compensation unless an exception is granted by the employee’s cabinet member and human resources.

2.16 Travel and Training-Payment of Non-exempt Employees

When non-exempt employees are required by the College to travel and/or attend training sessions or conferences for business-related purposes, they will be paid as outlined below and as required by the Fair Labor Standards Act. Non-exempt employees are eligible for overtime.

  1. Normal Commuting and Travel During Work Day: A non-exempt employee’s normal commute from home to work and from work to home is not compensable time. But as a general rule, once a non-exempt employee’s regularly scheduled work shift begins, time spent by the employee in travel as part of her/his activities on behalf of the College is compensable time.
  2. Overnight Travel
    When a non-exempt employee is required to travel for College business, and that travel includes an overnight stay away from home, the employee will be paid per travel day for actual hours spent in travel, up to a maximum equal to the number of hours the employee would normally have been scheduled to work that day, as long as the travel occurs during what would normally be the employee’s work hours (such as 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.).If a non-exempt employee is required to travel on a day he/she would normally not have worked (i.e., Saturday or Sunday), the individual will be paid for actual time spent traveling, up to a maximum equal to the number of hours the employee is normally scheduled to work each day, as long as the travel occurs during what would normally be the employee’s work hours.In addition, all time spent performing authorized College-related work at the destination will be compensated based on actual hours worked.

    Meal periods and sleeping time are excluded as paid time.

  3. One-day Travel
    If a non-exempt employee is required to work away from the College for a day, and no overnight stay is involved, the employee will be paid for all hours spent in travel and at work at the destination. Meal periods are excluded as paid time.
  4. Driving
    Driving a vehicle, regardless of whether the travel takes place within or outside the normal work hours, counts as hours worked. In other words the act of driving is consider a compensable act which must be counted as hours worked if it is for the benefit of the College.
  5. Attendance at Training Sessions or Conferences
    When a non-exempt employee attends a business-related training session or conference, the employee will be paid for the actual hours spent in training or attending work-related conference sessions. Meal time is normally not included as paid time; meal time is paid only if the meal is served at the employee’s conference seat. Employees will not receive pay for optional training/conference events, such as receptions and social activities.Time spent in training is unpaid only if all of the following criteria are met:

    1. The training session is held outside the employee’s normal working hours.
    2. Attendance at training is voluntary
    3. The training session is not related to the employee’s job.
    4. The employee does not perform any College-related work during the training session.
    5. For travel and training, the pay rate shall be the employee’s normal hourly rate. Paid travel time and paid time spent at a training session/conference shall count as hours worked when calculating eligibility for overtime pay.

All business related travel and attendance at seminars/conferences must be approved in advance by the employee’s supervisor.

Human resources is available to discuss any wage concerns including travel and training pay with any college employee.

2.01 Personnel Files

The College maintains confidential personnel files on each employee in the Human Resources office.

To ensure personnel files are up-to-date employees are requested to notify the Human Resources office of any change in the following information:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Telephone number
  • Emergency contact
  • Marital status (for college benefits changes)
  • Number of dependents (for college benefits changes)
  • Beneficiary designation
  • Professional or scholastic achievements

Employees may review their file by contacting the Human Resources office. Except where required by law, information contained in an employee’s personnel file will not be released to external sources unless clear, written permission to release specific information is obtained from the employee.

2.02 Introductory Period

There is an introductory period of 60 days for all newly hired non-exempt employees. This introductory period is for the benefit of both the new employee and the College and is intended as an opportunity for the College to evaluate the new employee and for the employee to evaluate his/her new working environment. Upon completion of the introductory period employee and supervisor will conduct a joint evaluation.

The supervisor is to notify the Human Resources office that the introductory period is complete. Benefits will commence based on the appropriate eligibility period and vacation and sick day accruals will be credited from the initial date of employment.

McPherson College is an at-will-employer. Therefore at any time during the introductory period or after completion of the introductory period the College or employee can terminate employment at any time and for any reason.

2.03 Workplace Attendance and Schedule

The regular work week is Wednesday through Tuesday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, except for weekends,  with lunch from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm. Offices and individual staff schedules may vary according to the requirements of the work assignment. Approved alternative work schedules may also be utilized in departments. 


Attendance is considered an essential function for all staff members unless an exception to the attendance policy is specifically noted on the staff’s job description or the supervisor has otherwise approved an alternate attendance schedule.  Human Resources should be notified of any exceptions or alternative attendance schedules.

2.04 Time Records

It is McPherson College’s policy to comply with applicable laws requiring records to be maintained of the hours employees work. Non-exempt employees are required to accurately record their work hours and leave time taken on the appropriate time record forms. The time record form must be completed and signed by the employee. The employee’s supervisor will sign the form and forward it to the college Business Office for payroll processing.

The following time record procedures are in effect for non-exempt personnel:

  • The “work week” shall be defined as Wednesday through Tuesday.
  • Time sheets are due to the Business Office on the 21st day of the month (or if the 21st day falls on a weekend or holiday, on the next workday following the 21st).
  • The Business Office will distribute time record forms monthly.
  • Any days worked during the first week of a pay period, but recorded in the previous pay period will be taken into account to determine overtime pay.
  • If a non-exempt employee works more than 40 hours in a work week, such excess hours shall be paid at 1 ½ times the employee’s regular rate of pay. Hours taken as paid time off (vacation, sick, personal, funeral, or holiday leave) do not count toward the 40-hour overtime threshold.

Exempt staff members are expected to record their time away from work appropriately and to submit their timesheets to the appropriate manager or vice president immediately following the end of each month. Any vacation, sick leave, or holiday time taken during the month should be accurately recorded on the monthly time record form and submitted to the Business Office.

Hours worked and leave time taken must be recorded accurately, and falsification of a time record is grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

2.05 Breaks

Employees may take a 15-minute break in the morning and afternoon. Employees may choose to take one 30-minute break per day with the approval of their supervisor.

Breaks should be staggered among employees in the work area to ensure departmental coverage. Breaks may not be accumulated or used to shorten the beginning or ending of the workday.

2.06 Overtime

The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 and applicable state labor law governs the payment of overtime wages. McPherson College’s policies mirror the requirements of these laws.

Exempt Employees
Exempt employees do not receive overtime pay.

Non-Exempt Employees
Non-exempt employees are paid the regular hourly rate for the first 40 regular hours in a work week. Overtime is paid at 1 ½ times the regular hourly rate for hours worked in excess of 40 regular hours per week. The law requires that only hours worked count toward overtime. Therefore, paid time off (vacation, sick, personal, funeral, and holiday leave) is not considered time worked when determining eligibility for overtime compensation.

Time required after regular work hours responding to phone calls, texts or email will be considered compensable time.  Compensable time is based on 15 minute increment.

The “work week” shall be defined as Wednesday through Tuesday.


Overtime will be pre-approved by the requesting employee’s supervisor, who, in turn, will complete the Overtime Authorization Form (OAF) and seek the designated approvals.

Human resources is available to discuss any wage concerns including overtime with any college employee.

2.07 On-Call

On-call time is defined as non-duty hours when a non-exempt employee is required to remain in telephone contact with a central point in order to respond to emergency calls.

Non-exempt employees working on-call time are compensated:

  • At the rate of $.50 per hour.

If the employee is called in to work, the employee will be compensated for the actual hours worked at 1½ times their regular hourly rate. On-call hours are not considered when determining hours worked for overtime purposes.

2.08 Safe Harbor

McPherson College complies with the salary basis requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The College prohibits any improper deductions from the salaries of exempt employees. Exempt employees are those employed in a bona fide executive, administrative, or professional capacity and who are exempt from the FLSA’s overtime pay requirements.

Permitted Deductions

There are certain circumstances where deductions from the salaries of exempt employees are permissible. Such circumstances include:

  • An exempt employee is absent from work for one or more full days for personal reasons other than sickness or disability;
  • An exempt employee is absent from work for one or more full days due to sickness or disability if the deduction is made in accordance with a bona fide plan, policy, or practice of providing compensation for salary lost due to illness;
  • To offset amounts employees receive as jury or witness fees, or for military pay; or
  • For unpaid disciplinary suspensions of one or more full days imposed in good faith for workplace conduct rule infractions.

Also, an employer is not required to pay the full salary in the initial or terminal week of employment; for penalties imposed in good faith for infractions of safety rules of major significance, or for weeks in which an exempt employee takes unpaid leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act. In these circumstances, either partial day or full day deductions may be made.

What To Do If An Improper Deduction Occurs

If you are an exempt employee and you believe that an improper deduction has been made to your salary, you should immediately report this information to your direct supervisor, or to the Human Resources department.

Reports of improper deductions will be promptly investigated. If it is determined that an improper deduction has occurred, you will be promptly reimbursed for any improper deduction made.

2.09 Attending Classes

Employees who wish to attend classes during their scheduled workday:

  • The immediate supervisor of the employee approves release time to attend a course. Changes in work schedules to accommodate class schedules must not interfere with the productivity or work quality of the employee’s office or with the ability of the office to accomplish its mission in an appropriate manner.
  • The employee shall not be paid for any working hours spent attending the course, but if it is practical may be granted the opportunity by the supervisor to make up the lost work time during the same week.
  • The employee may use vacation time to receive pay while absent from work attending a course.
  • Full-time staff may take up to six semester hours of class during a term.

2.10 Paycheck Procedure


All College employees are paid once a month on the last work day of the month. If a scheduled payday falls on a holiday, employees will be paid on the work day preceding the holiday. Pay checks or pay stubs are distributed through campus mail, unless the employee has made prior arrangements.


All required deductions, such as those for federal and state taxes, and all authorized voluntary deductions such as health insurance premiums, donations, 403(b) contributions, etc., shall be withheld automatically from the employee’s paychecks.

It is recommended that employees review their paycheck for compensation errors and proper withholdings. If you find a mistake, you should report it to the Business Office.

Direct Deposit

Direct deposit allows the employee’s paycheck to be electronically deposited directly into a checking and/or savings account at the financial institution of their choosing. Direct deposit enrollment is encouraged to ensure payroll funds are received on the final working day of the month regardless of the employee being absent from campus due to holidays, paid time off, or business related trips.

When an employee begins direct deposit, the first check will be a paper check. All subsequent payrolls will be check-less and a statement of the direct deposit will be provided to the employee detailing all deduction information.

To enroll in direct deposit the employee must complete a direct deposit authorization that may be obtained from the Business Office.

2.11 Expense Reimbursement

See ADM 230 – Expenses & Expense Reimbursement

2.12 Staff Performance Evaluation Process

The primary purpose of the staff performance evaluation process is to enhance communication related to job performance and mutual expectations.

Supervisors have two options for evaluating staff performance. Both of the options are included in the staff performance evaluation process and the process is ongoing and continuous.

One option is that a supervisor conduct a one-on-one performance evaluation meeting to review performance, discuss strengths, objectives, and specific goals to be accomplished throughout the upcoming year, and identify areas of job performance that need improvement.  Supervisors will complete a performance evaluation form and could do this as often as one time per year.   When used, forms will be submitted to the Human Resources office. Employees are encouraged to participate in the performance evaluation discussion and make comments during the performance evaluation.

The second option is for a supervisor to conduct ongoing coaching throughout the year.  Coaching could occur weekly, monthly or at the discretion of the supervisor.  Employees are encouraged to participate in the coaching.

Supervisors are responsible to inform Human Resources which option they will utilize if they choose to utilize a formal evaluation process.

A staff performance evaluation tool, a performance coaching worksheet and a performance coaching worksheet example are available on the college intranet in the HR forms site.

Resources are available in your Human Resources office to assist you with either one of the evaluation processes.

April 15, 2018

2.13 Background Checks

McPherson College is committed to providing a safe working and learning environment for its employees, students, and visitors. It also seeks to protect its assets, preserve its reputation, and comply with laws, and regulations. Therefore, criminal background checks will be conducted for all new hires of faculty, staff , any other hire such as independent contractors and volunteers at the discretion of the College. Degree verification and credit checks will be conducted where applicable.

McPherson College will consider the seriousness and extensiveness of adverse information in making a determination of eligibility for employment. Job applicants and/or current employees, independent contractors, and volunteers,  who are subject to background checks, will be given the opportunity to explain discrepancies or the information on a case-by-case analysis and determination will be made by Human Resources if it relates to the position as recommended by the EEOC.

Any material misrepresentation on the job application either by omission or falsification of information may be grounds for denial of employment, withdrawal of an employment offer, or dismissal of an employee. All background check information will be kept confidential and housed in confidential personnel file.

2.14 Military Recruiters

See ADM 240 – Military Recruiters

2.15 References

Prospective employers, banks, and credit agencies may contact the Human Resource office for references and/or verifications.   No employee (other than the human resource representative or its designee) may provide any information regarding current or former employees to any non-employee. McPherson College may provide dates of employment, position title, and confirm salary information with a clear, written permission to release specific information obtained from the employee. It is the policy of the College to give only truthful, job related information.